MATH 10B (Summer 2019)

This 5-week summer course had a Canvas page when I was a TA for it. Here are some course materials I produced for it in case they are of use to anyone. Please email me if you notice typos or have questions.

MATH 10B Week 1 Study Guide.pdf

This is a study/review guide for the first week of the course.

MATH 10B Week 2 Study Guide.pdf

This is a study/review guide for the second week of the course.

MATH 10B Week 3 Study Guide.pdf

This is a study/review guide for the third week of the course.

MATH 10B Week 4 Study Guide.pdf

This is a study/review guide for the fourth week of the course.

MATH 10B Week 5 Study Guide.pdf

This is a study/review guide for the fifth week of the course.