Evangelos A. Nikitopoulos

Hello, everyone!  My name is Evangelos Alexander Nikitopoulos, but I go by Vaki (pronounced like "hockey" with a V).  I received my PhD in Mathematics, advised by Bruce Driver and Todd Kemp, from the University of California San Diego in June 2024Starting this coming fall, I will be a Donald J. Lewis Research Assistant Professor (postdoc) at the University of Michigan.  My email address is enikitop [at] umich [dot] edu.  

My research interests are in stochastic and functional analysis, specifically stochastic calculus, stochastic differential equations (SDEs), random matrix theory, free probability, perturbation theory, and multiple operator integrals.  My current research focus is noncommutative stochastic analysis with an eye toward applications in random matrix theory, specifically the study of matrix-valued SDEs.  Please see the Research section of the website for my papers. 

I went to college at Brown University, where I completed Bachelors of Science in mathematics and chemistry in 2017.  In the year before graduate school (the '17-'18 academic year), I did a Fulbright Scholarship in Budapest, Hungary, where I studied and did research in mathematics.  (Specifically, I did the Fulbright/Budapest Semesters in Mathematics-Rényi Institute Scholarship.)  I was born and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana; but my mother's side of the family is from California, and my father's is from Greece.

If you would like to access the public materials I produced for courses for which I have been a TA, please visit the Teaching section of the website.  If you would like to view my notes (still very much works in progress) about various mathematics topics, please visit the Notes section of the website.

Finally, here is my CV, last updated on July 3, 2024.  It contains mainly content relevant to mathematics, teaching, and mathematics- or teaching-related volunteering.