about me

Hi! I'm Vajahath Ahmed. I love cats.

I'm a programmer passionate about creating things. I love open-source and have contributed to some projects out there. I've also authored a few. I like creating tools that make people's lives easier.

My favorite technologies right now are Node and Python.

I believe in God and take the ‘R’ and ‘L’ on my headphones pretty seriously.

Candy Crush & Clash of Clans are good games, but I don't play it and I'm not a power user of Facebook.

I laugh at silly jokes.

Find my works at github.com/vajahath

(taken back at 2014)

Acrobatic abilities ?

No, I'm not deeply into it.

But just a few things like this :)

I love cats !

Cats looks so funny and childish, especially kittens. Once my younger sis brought one, Kitty. And Ellen Perry Berkeley has once said "As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat".

Cats never strike a pose that isn't photogenic.

What you can export from here is that I like their cattitude.

Kitty, an evening with me. (taken back at 2013 Aug)

Copyright © Vajahath Ahmed 2019