VAIMH Advocacy Day

Your voice matters!

Join us January 12th 2024 

to speak with your legislators and advocate for policies that support infant and early childhood mental health across the state.

Advocacy Day

"From Cradle to Connection: Nurturing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Through Relationship." 

Join us at Ginter Park Presbyterian Church 3601 Seminary Ave, Richmond, VA 23227 at 7:30am for breakfast with the executive team and a brief pre-advocacy day training. 

Following breakfast, advocates will head to the General Assembly Building  201 North 9th Street, Richmond, Virginia 23219. Meeting start at 9:00am with identified legislators. 

Overview: The “From Cradle to Connection: Nurturing Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Through Relationship" campaign is dedicated to advocating for the critical importance of infant mental health and nurturing relational connections in early childhood. By championing legislative changes, we aim to prioritize policies that empower caregivers and provide the essential resources for infants to flourish emotionally, socially, and intellectually.

Key Objectives:

Raise Public Awareness: Educate communities, policymakers, and stakeholders about the profound impact of infant mental health and early relational connections.

Advocate for Policy Reforms: Lobby for legislative changes that allocate resources and support for families, caregivers, and early childhood programs.

Provide Accessible Resources: Offer easily accessible information, tools, and resources for parents, caregivers, and communities to cultivate healthy emotional development in infants.

Promote Professional Training and Education: Advocate for increased training and professional development opportunities for caregivers, educators, and healthcare providers in infant mental health.

Facilitate Collaborative Efforts: Encourage partnerships between healthcare providers, educators, policymakers, and community organizations to create a comprehensive approach to supporting infant mental health.

Celebrate Success Stories: Share and celebrate stories of families and communities that have successfully prioritized infant mental health and relational connections.

Campaign Strategies:

Public Awareness Campaigns:

Policy Advocacy:

Community Engagement:

Professional Development:

Research and Data Collection:

Collaborative Initiatives: