Clinical Data Analytics Lab


Welcome to CDAL!

The increasing availability of digitized clinical data presents an unprecedented opportunity to study and gain deeper understanding of diseases, develop new treatments and improve healthcare ecosystems. Broadly, our aim is to develop accurate and scalable systems that effectively model health information of individuals at different levels - genomic, physiological and social - and from disparate sources. More details below.

Articles on our research from NUS Computing News:


14 Mar: Shivin successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Shivin!

27 Feb: Debabrata successfully defended his PhD thesis. Congrats Deb!


Research Interests

We develop machine learning algorithms to improve various aspects of clinical data analysis. We are particularly interested in unsupervised learning and modeling challenges arising due to heterogeneity, high-dimensionality and temporality of clinical and biological data. See recent representative publications below.

Learning from Multiple Heterogeneous Sources for Clinical Applications

Clinical measurements differ widely in modality, temporal resolution and noise characteristics. Knowledge graphs, created manually or automatically using NLP on biomedical literature also contain information that can guide model building. By effectively integrating these heterogeneous sources, we aim to improve clinical decision support applications ranging from predicting ICU complications to finding accurate genomic drug targets and enabling better patient triage.

Unsupervised Models for Biomedical Discovery

Mining actionable knowledge from tons of biomedical data being generated today requires models that can effectively deal with high dimensionality, complex dependencies and heterogeneity. We are exploring unsupervised learning models - both deep representation learning as well as classical statistical models, and their applications in finding novel gene-disease associations, adverse drug events and disease subtypes.

Current Group Members

Principal Investigator

Research Staff

PhD Students

Master Project Students

Bachelor Project Students


Our Bitbucket Repository:

Former Members

PhD Students 

[first job after NUS]

MComp Dissertation/Capstone Students

Bachelor Project Students

Research Staff and Interns