Vaibhav Kumar Upadhyay, PhD

Assistant Professor

Data Science and Engineering

Head In Charge (Computer Center)

Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal


Research Interests:

Geospatial Artificial Intelligence (GeoAI), 2D/3D GIS, Urban Informatics.

ORCID, Google Scholar, ResearchGate

B.E. : Computer Science and Engineering, MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology, Bangalore

M.Tech : Geoinformatics, Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, Dehradun

PhD : Centre for Urban Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay

PI: GeoAI4Cities Lab

Advisor: SimDAAS Pvt. Ltd.

 If you are passionate about 3D Vision, Urban Planning, and various verticals of automating Digital Twins (Development and Application) using AI, please Leave A Message or email me if you are interested.

Hot from the Lab!!: First of its kind, Freely available labeled LiDAR data repository from Indian Cities. Access  it at :

Sponsored Projects

Title: Deep Augmentation of LiDAR Point Clouds using CNN

Funding agency: IISERB (Nov 2021)


Role: PI

Title: Deep Learning Based Approach to Quantify the Emergency Vehicle Accessibility in Dense Urban Areas Using Lidar and Aerial Imagery

Funding agency: NGP: DST (Nov 2023)


Role: PI

Title: Large-Scale Manually Annotated LiDAR Datasets from Indian cities to Facilitate Semantic Segmentation

Funding agency: iHub-Data, IIIT-Hyderabad (Nov 2024)


Role: PI

Title: LiDAR Driven Thermal Profiling for Green Equity: Mapping Vegetation’s Role in Urban Heat Mitigation and Community Well-Being

Funding agency: Champions Grant, Royal Academy of Engineering, London


Role: PI

Title: Fruit level precision spraying system for orchard using deep learning and synthetic dataset 

Funding agency: AgriHub, IIT Indore


Role: PI

Title: Spatiotemporal Street View Data Generation using Deep Learning for Women Safety Perception Mapping of Indian Cities

Funding agency:  ASEAN, SERB

Status: Approved

Role: PI

Title: PUSHPAK - National Mission on Drone Technology, IIT Bombay

Funding agency: MeitY

Role: CoPI

Status: Ongoing

Title: Solutions for Enhancing Flooding Resilience of Coastal Roads in Indonesia 

Funding agency: Royal Academy of Engineering, London


Role: CoPI