Eberron Characters


My current character is a changeling named El, an Ascendant Dragon monk with a spy background and an important secret. Here are images of their various personas.

As you can see, Im branching out into digital art to help me learn how to simplify shapes.

Fighting El Silhouette, Changeling form

Changling El

Belasar Narxisus: Dragonborn Hippy

First version of Elivello: House Medani agent and Sailor

Elazti: Brellish agent for hire

31: Warforged

Quinton Delby : Gnomish Detective

Elivello w Beard

Eldak: Half Orc

Elina Alyre: Gnome

Hariel Chorus: Human Entertainer

Elias: Elf

Velencia: Human seductress

Kellark Lornak: Dwarf

El: Changeling form with 3 of the Gifts of Khyber

Our party since I joined

Falko Ir'Kessler (Egen Marktaros): Wood-Half-Elf Sorcerer/Cleric

This poster was made in memorial of his death (in campaign)

Hammer Murphy: Warforged Paladin

Drego d'Dneith: Human Bard/Fighter (Sentinal Marshal)

Galleri d'Deneith: Human Cleric (Sentinal)