Hatkeshwar Mahadev Mandir

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The Hatkeshvara temple has been built in the classical style. The temple faces east, but has entrances from north and south as well. All the three entrances take one to a very spacious and airy central hall with a large dome. To the west of the central hall is the real temple or Garbha Gruha. Its floor level is several steps lower than that of the central hall. And it is here that the famous Shivalinga is situated. High above it stands the shikhara or pinnacle of the temple. The entire temple is full of exquisite carvings and sculptures. On the inside walls and ceilings as well as the outside walls there are carvings depicting scenes from Puranas, Ramayana, Mahabharata, and other scriptures. One doesn’t find any plain surface anywhere. It is this ornate carving that distinguishes Hatkeshvara from many other temples. Source

Carved with the same exquisite skills as the twin kirti-torans, the temple has all the features characterizing a proper Shiv temple: Banyan tree, a water well, a compound, a path-shala where one can read and contemplate or perform rites/dharm shala for wayfarers and small little temples dedicated to the satellite deities. Source