Discrete logarithms are computational problem in cryptography, and no efficient method is known for computing them in general. Several important algorithms in public-key cryptography base their security on the assumption that the discrete logarithm problem over carefully chosen groups has noefficient solution. It is explaining the CUDA implementation of the Pohlig-Hellman algorithm for solving the discrete logarithm problem. Integer factorization algorithm implementations also used in this.

Skills used :

CUDA C, C++, Python, Data Structures, Number Theory, Applied Cryptography 

 Its a search engine for college-level searching. We can search out academics and attendance and announcements from various departments can search easily. It also makes the search optimization for department level searches.

Skills used: 

Java, JSP, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, MYSQL

 This is a framework for making database operations to automate. This framework helps us in making an interface for calling sql operations from java with a singel line code. It abstracts the database connection from Java to SQL.

Skills used :