VACANCY identifies vacant housing units and reports the reason for the vacancy (e.g., for rent, for sale, used only seasonally). To be counted as "vacant," a unit has to be in livable condition and intended for residential use. For newly-constructed units, all exterior windows and doors must be installed, and usable floors must be in place. Dilapidated, condemned, and nonresidential buildings are thus excluded. Mobile homes and trailers (in 1970 and 1980) were counted only if they were intended for occupancy where they stood (i.e., they were not still in a factory or retailer's sales lot). Enumerators obtained vacancy information from landlords, owners, neighbors, or anyone else who might have known about the unit's status; in 1970, they could rely on personal inspection.

The Teacher & School Staffing Vacancy Dashboards are user-friendly tools to visualize critical statistics on the public K-12 teacher and school staffing shortages in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The visualizations show the total positions available, the unfilled positions, and vacancy rates for teachers and school staff for the 2021-2022 to the 2023-2024 school years. The statistical data is provided at the regional, division, and school level to support and improve teaching and learning in the Commonwealth.


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No. Prior to any vote to implement ETPA, the City must complete the Study to determine if the vacancy rate is lower than five (5) percent. The results of the Study will determine if City Council is then able to vote to implement ETPA.

Yes. Approximately forty (40) municipalities in New York State have completed rental vacancy studies, found a vacancy rate below five (5), and enabled ETPA through their local legislative body. The vast majority of these municipalities are located in Nassau, Westchester, and Rockland Counties. Within the Mid-Hudson Valley, the City of Kingston completed a rental vacancy study and enabled ETPA in 2022.

A. If a vacancy occurs in the legislature and the vacant seat was represented by a political party that is organized pursuant to title 16, chapter 5, article 2 and that has at least thirty elected committeemen who are from precincts that are in the legislative district and that are in the county in which the vacancy occurred, the following apply:

1. The secretary of state shall immediately notify the state party chairman of the appropriate political party of the vacancy. Within three business days after notification of the vacancy by the secretary of state, the state party chairman of the appropriate political party or the chairman's designee shall give written notice of the meeting to fill the vacancy to all elected precinct committeemen of the appropriate political party from precincts that are in the legislative district and that are in the county in which the vacancy occurred.

2. Those elected precinct committeemen shall nominate, within twenty-one days after notification of the vacancy by the secretary of state if the legislature is not in regular session or within five days if the legislature is in regular session and by a majority vote, three qualified electors to fill the vacancy who meet the requirements for service in the legislature, who belong to the same political party and who reside at the time of nomination in the same district and county as the person elected to or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy.

3. The meeting to fill the vacancy is subject to title 38, chapter 3, article 3.1, and the state party chairman of the appropriate political party shall oversee the nominations. Fifty percent or more of the elected precinct committeemen of the district who are in the legislative district and from the county in which the vacancy occurred, or their proxies, meeting together constitutes a quorum for the purposes of this subsection. A precinct committeeman may choose to permit the use of a proxy that:

4. The state party chairman of the appropriate political party shall immediately forward the names of the three persons named pursuant to paragraph 2 of this subsection to the board of supervisors of the county of residence of the person elected or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy occurred. The board of supervisors shall appoint a person from the three nominees submitted.

5. If the elected precinct committeemen of the appropriate political party fail to fill the vacancy within twenty-one days if the legislature is not in regular session or within five days if the legislature is in regular session, as provided in paragraph 2 of this subsection, the state party chairman shall immediately notify the board of supervisors of the appropriate county and the board of supervisors shall fill the vacancy as provided in subsection B of this section. The time frame for appointing a citizens panel shall run from receipt of notification from the state party chairman.

B. If a vacancy occurs in the legislature and the vacant seat was represented by a political party that is organized pursuant to title 16, chapter 5, article 2 and that has fewer than thirty elected committeemen who are from precincts that are in the legislative district and that are in the county in which the vacancy occurred or if the vacant seat was not represented by a political party that is organized pursuant to title 16, chapter 5, article 2, the following apply:

1. The secretary of state shall immediately notify the board of supervisors of the county of residence of the person elected to or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy of the vacancy.

2. Within seven business days after notification of the vacancy by the secretary of state, the board of supervisors shall appoint a citizens panel. The citizens panel, within twenty-one days after the citizens panel is appointed if the legislature is not in regular session or within five days if the legislature is in regular session, shall submit to the board the names of three qualified electors to fill the vacancy who meet the requirements for service in the legislature and who belong to the same political party and reside at the time of nomination in the same district and county as the person elected to or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy. If the person elected to or appointed to the office immediately before the vacancy was not registered with a political party that is organized pursuant to title 16, chapter 5, article 2, the qualified electors shall be qualified electors who are not registered with a political party that is organized pursuant to title 16, chapter 5, article 2.

C. For the purposes of this section, "appropriate political party" means the same political party of which the person who was elected to or appointed to the office was a member immediately before the vacancy occurred except that if the person vacating the office changed political party affiliation after taking office, the person who is appointed to fill the vacancy shall be of the same political party that the vacating officeholder was when the vacating officeholder was elected or appointed to that office.

The Judicial Nominating Commissions select and nominate to the Governor persons found by the Commission to be legally and most fully professionally qualified to fill a vacancy. The table includes all current vacancies. Once the close date to a vacancy passes, the names of all applicants will be listed. The public is encouraged to participate in the selection process by submitting written and signed comments concerning the qualifications of an applicant to The Judicial Nominating Commission, c/o The Administrative Office of the Courts, Human Resources, 187 Harry S. Truman Parkway, Fourth Floor, Annapolis, Maryland 21401. The comments must be received at least one week prior to the Commission meeting date shown in the table below.

Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this table. Please recognize, however, that this list does not constitute official notification of individuals nominated for, or appointed to, a judicial vacancy. Rather, the official list of candidates for a vacancy is compiled by the Administrative Office of the Courts and sent to the Governor's Office. The Governor's Office officially notifies the appointed individual and releases an official notice to the public. When an appointment to a vacancy is announced by the Governor's Office, the name is highlighted in red.

**Individuals who were nominated for a judicial vacancy but who were not appointed by the Governor become part of a pool that will be considered automatically for each vacancy on the same court occurring within two years after submission of the initial list.

Property owners in the City of Oakland will be notified by mail during the first quarter of each calendar year about the possible application of the Oakland Vacant Property Tax to their property. If you are mailed a notice of vacancy and you believe your property was not vacant in the subject calendar year or is exempt from the Vacant Property Tax, you should review this website and your letter carefully for instructions on how to submit verification information.

If you have a vacancy in your apartment, residential college suite, Mayfield lodge, or double room, and wish to pull in a friend of your choice, please email our office at to confirm the student/s you would like to pull-in to your space.

If Senate Republicans stick with their declared intention to not consider anyone President Obama might nominate to replace the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, his seat on the court could remain vacant for a year or more. That would be the longest vacancy on the court in nearly five decades, but by no means the longest in U.S. history. 2351a5e196

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