MATH583C Intersection Theory 

Spring 2024

 This webpage is the internet presence of MATH583C Intersection Theory. The course instructor is Sándor Kovács, and the organizers are Arkamouli Debnath and Michael Zeng. 


(Fulton, W.) 

Intersection Theory

(Eisenbud & Harris)

3264 and All That


MATH583 Schedule


*More notes to be added...

Handwritten notes (Michael)

Handwritten notes (Michael).pdf

Handwritten notes (Soham, 04/22)

Handwritten notes (04/22).pdf

Week 2: Chow Ring Computations

Intersection Theory 04/05: Chow Ring Computations.pdf

Week 4: Enumerative Problems

Intersection Theory 04/15: Enumerative Problems.pdf

Week 6: Grassmannians

Intersection Theory 05/01: Grassmannians.pdf

Nakai Moishezon (Brian)


Week 7: Exercises on Chern Classes

Intersection Theory 05/10: Chern Class Exercises.pdf

Week 8: Variations of 27 Lines

Intersection Theory 05/13: Variations on a Theme of 27 Lines.pdf

Week 10: 3264 and All That

Intersection Theory 05/31: 3264 and All That.pdf

3D Models

(Herman & Cordelia) Knutson-Tao puzzles.

(Michael) Clebsch cubic with 27 lines