UWLU Chapter Bylaws

UWLU, SEIU 925 Chapter Bylaws

Constitution and By-Laws
University of Washington
Chapter of SEIU Local 925

Note: The UW Libraries Union chapter provisionally adopted these bylaws for the purposes of the June 2023 election. 

These bylaws are based on SEIU 925 Classified Chapter Bylaws, Amended June 2017.


The name of this organization shall be “University of Washington Chapter of the Service Employees International Union, Local 925, CTW". (“Change to Win”)


The purpose of this organization shall be to organize workers at the University of Washington to defend their interests, win dignity and respect on the job, and justice in our society. The Chapter shall also represent members in matters of collective bargaining with their employer (the University of Washington), and to represent their interests in matters before the State Legislature, and any other body or organization that has an impact upon these members. The objectives of this organization shall be to unite workers win fair wages, hours, and working conditions, together with active participation in the policies and operations of their work places, to promote recognition and respect for the value of their work, to advance the lives and welfare of members and working people in economic, social, political, and other areas, and to advance democracy.


Section 1. Full membership is open to employees of the University of Washington in bargaining units for which SEIU Local 925 is the exclusive bargaining representative.

Section 2. Other forms of membership (associate, retired, etc.) are subject to the Local 925 by-laws.

Section 3. There shall be no discrimination against any member, or applicant for membership by reason of race, ethnic origin, creed, color, religion, gender, gender identity and gender expression, sexual orientation, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, political belief or affiliation, veteran status, or age, subject to the exceptions with respect to age contained in applicable law.

Section 4. Membership in good standing shall be determined in accordance with Local and International by-laws.


Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be:

Each Area Organizing Committee shall have additional representatives on the Leadership Council for every 150 members or major fraction thereof. Said representatives shall be serving as Organizing Committee Vice Chairs, Lead Stewards, or Member Political Organizers (MPOs). Each representative will be elected by members in their Area Organizing Committee (OC).

Section 2. The term of office is two (2) years beginning on July 1st. The office of President may not be held for more than three (3) consecutive terms; other officers do not have a term limit.

Section 3. The officers are required to be members of the Leadership Council, their area Organizing Committee, and those specific workgroups which are the responsibility of each office. Attendance requirements at Leadership Council meetings shall be defined, monitored and executed by the Leadership Council. Excessive unexcused absence (as defined by the Leadership Council) is grounds for removal from office by a simple majority vote of the Leadership Council.

Section 4. President. The President is elected at large by members in good standing, and serves as presiding officer at meetings of the Leadership Council and general membership; is a spokesperson or designates a spokesperson for the UW Chapter on all necessary and appropriate occasions; and oversees all activities. The President or a designee makes a report on all matters of importance at each membership business meeting. The President, along with the Area OC Chairs, helps set the agenda for the Organizing Committee meetings.

Section 5. Vice President. The Vice President is elected at large and acts as President in the absence of the President.

Section 6. Secretary. The Secretary is elected at large and records the minutes of business meetings of the Leadership Council, general membership, Organizing Committee and shall maintain and update a complete and accurate archive of such minutes. The minutes archive remains the property of the chapter and shall be available for review by any member in good standing.

Section 7. Lead Stewards are elected by members in their respective areas and serve as stewards, coordinate grievance handling and steward training, and mentor other stewards in their area. Lead Stewards must be members of their Area Organizing Committee and assist in organizing the members. 

Section 8. Area OC Chairs. The Area OC Chairs are elected by the membership in their respective campus areas and chair OC meetings. They, along with the Chapter President, set the agenda for Area Organizing Committee meetings. OC Chairs must be members of their Area Organizing Committee,and assist in organizing the membership.

Section 9. Political Organizers. The Political Organizers are elected by the membership in their respective campus areas and help coordinate and oversee the Chapter’s work in the electoral arena. Political Organizers must be members of their Area Organizing Committee, and assist in organizing the membership.


Section 1. The Leadership Council (LC) consists of the officers of the UW Chapter as listed in Article IV.

Section 2. The Leadership Council (LC) will meet monthly to conduct the business of the UW Chapter. The Leadership Council sets organizational direction and approves strategic recommendations from committees, workgroups, and staff; takes action on behalf of the UW Chapter on matters requiring attention; makes recommendations it considers appropriate on matters to come before the membership; serves as a liaison with the UW Chapter staff and the Local 925 President on matters affecting the UW Chapter activities. A majority of the Leadership Council, excluding vacancies, constitutes a quorum.

Section 3.  Committees – When needed, the Leadership Council will appoint and disband ad-hoc committees and workgroups to accomplish Chapter goals. These groups must outline goals, a plan of action and a timeline. Workgroups may address issues such as leadership development, communications, lobby day planning, legislative concerns, human rights, health and safety, etc. Approval of such goals, actions, etc. may require approval of the Leadership Council prior to implementation.

Section 4.  Policy Implementation – the Leadership Council (LC) develops policies, rules and guidelines for the operation of the Chapter, Area Organizing Committees (OCs), the as well as the operations and business of the chapter. The LC implements those policies, and the policies of Local 925, in concert with the Area OCs.

Section 5.  Leadership Development – the Leadership Council is responsible for working with Local 925 staff on continuous development of leaders and recruitment of new leaders.

Section 6.  Planning – the Leadership Council shall develop and adopt annual plans.  They shall hold at least one retreat at the beginning of their term to develop their goals and objectives for the term and plan for the next contract campaign. 

Section 7. Bargaining Teams – Bargaining Teams prepare proposals and negotiate collective bargaining agreements. Team members are elected by the members of the bargaining unit and serve throughout the duration of the contract until such time as new bargaining team members are elected for negotiations. Candidates for Bargaining Teams must be members in good standing. The President is automatically a member of all Bargaining Teams.  Bargaining Teams shall be elected in accordance with the chapter plan and in a timely manner related to the bargaining cycle.  The President shall appoint a three (3) member election committee to oversee the nomination and election process.


Section 1. The Area Organizing Committees are responsible for building the UW Chapter through developing a shared vision, setting organizational direction, and mobilizing members. During contract and legislative campaigns, the OCs shall be responsible for organizing and implementing the campaign in their area. 

Section 2. Stewards and worksite communicators serve on their Area Organizing Committee. They are responsible for: building and maintaining an active organizational network in the workplace; distributing information; organizing members and recruiting new members; as well as sharing and exchanging information among members and leaders. Criteria regarding leader service is developed and reviewed by the Leadership Council.

Members of the OC are responsible for the life of the UW Chapter in their geographical areas, and Chapter as a whole. Additionally, OC membership is open to all members in good standing, as defined by the Local’s bylaws. Voting rights at OC meetings are extended to any member of that OC, who has attended at least one meeting in the past twelve (12) months.

Section 3. Each OC is chaired by four (4) elected OC Co-Chairs as described in Article IV, Section 8. Criteria regarding leader service on the OC will be developed and reviewed as needed by the OC.

Section 4. Each Area Organizing Committee meets at least monthly and is responsible for the following duties:

Section 5. Composition of Area OCsAn Area OC may be created in any worksite geography with at least one hundred (100) members.  This can consist of a single worksite (e.g. UW Tower), or an area (e.g. Sandpoint).  The creation of an area OC shall involve a petition to the Leadership Council by at least five (5) members who are prepared to carry out the work of the Area OC. 

The membership of an OC shall include all stewards, worksite communicators, and member political organizers in that area.

The OC meetings shall be: 

Section 6. Area OC OfficersEach area OC shall have at least a Chair, Lead Steward and Member Political Organizer as officers.  An OC may add designations that contribute to their work (for example Vice Chair for Swing Shift, Chief Steward, or lead stewards in different areas). 

Section 7. Area OC LocationsThe initial Area OC locations shall be as follows:


Section 1. Regular officer elections are held every other year.

Section 2 Candidates may not make use of Union resources for campaign purposes with the exception that one (1) Union distribution with equal space allotted for each candidate shall be sent together with the ballot.

Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President by reason of death, resignation, or otherwise, the Vice President assumes the duties of the President. In the event of a vacancy in any other office in the first half of a term, an election shall be held to choose a successor. The election shall be held at a membership meeting with a fifteen (15)-day notice via email or phone to the members. In the second half of a term, the Leadership Council shall choose a successor for the remainder of the term. 

Section 4. Elections Committee An Elections Committee consisting of three members in good standing who are not otherwise candidates for the Leadership Council shall be chosen by the Leadership Council within six months preceding the regular election of officers. The term of office is two years. Vacancies will be filled in the same manner. The Committee is responsible for the conduct of all UW Chapter elections, including the printing and distribution of ballots, the counting of votes, and certification and notification of successful candidates. At no time shall a member of the Elections Committee who is a candidate in an election being conducted by the Elections Committee serve on the Committee for that election. The Elections Committee shall make provision for absentee voting or electronic voting, under circumstances it shall determine, subject to the Local 925 by-laws.


Section 1. Area OC meetings are open to all members and shall serve as general membership meetings. Membership meetings shall be convened at least annually, and shall be scheduled in such a way as to encourage maximum membership participation and to further other organizational objectives. Membership meetings may be held at a single or multiple sites, to be determined by the Leadership Council, with notice (electronic or otherwise) to the membership. In the event of multiple site meetings, motions from the floor shall be acted upon as follows:

The membership as a body will:

Section 2. A total of fifty (50) members shall constitute a quorum.

Section 3. The Leadership Council, in concert with the Local 925 President or their designee, shall hold an annual retreat with the goal to advance the mission of the Chapter and the Local. The LC shall encourage participation of active union members to reflect the diversity and complexity of our membership at the University of Washington.


Per the Local 925 by-laws (Article VIII), the UW Chapter is entitled to representation on the Local 925 Leadership Assembly on the basis of one (1) Council representative per two hundred (200) Chapter members.

UW Chapter officers serving on the Chapter Leadership Council shall automatically hold the Chapter’s seats on the Local 925 Leadership Assembly. If the total number of seats in the Leadership Assembly exceeds the number of members of the Leadership Council, the remaining seats shall be elected for three (3) year terms at the same time and in the same manner as the Local 925 officers.

UW Chapter officers serving on the Chapter Leadership Council shall automatically hold fifteen (15) of the Chapter’s seats on the Local 925 Executive Council. The remaining seats shall be elected for three (3) year terms at the same time and in the same manner as the Local 925 officers.

Vacancies shall be filled by majority vote of the UW Chapter Leadership Council.


Amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws may be proposed by the Leadership Council or by petition of 10% of the members. Any amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws must be presented in writing to the membership at least two (2) weeks before a meeting of the general membership. If a quorum of fifty (50) members in good standing is present, the amendments may be approved by at least two thirds (2/3) of those present.