Data & Privacy Maturity Assessment for

WA Department of Licensing


  • The state of Washington conducts an annual high-level assessment of agencies' privacy practices​

  • The DOL has adopted an agency strategic commitment to "Safer Data" and have improved their data stewardship and privacy practices

Target Users

  • Will Saunders- Data Stewardship and Privacy Administrator

  • Internal Program Managers

  • State Privacy Office

  • DOL Board

Actions Taken

  • Literature Review

  • Interviews conducted with internal stakeholders

  • Identified privacy domains/sections based on interview analysis and formulate questions

  • Launched the Pilot survey across the DOL


  • Serve as a critical source of information for DOL

  • Assist the DOL to assess their privacy maturity and adopt recommendations provided

  • Re-utilize the proposed survey model to conduct similar assessments in the future