UUFCC Jazz Band

Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Centre County

780 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA

The UUFCC Jazz Band is a 17-piece big band that enjoys playing a wide range of swing, jazz, and popular music.  We are an all-ages, community-wide group that draws on musicians across State College schools, Penn State University, the UUFCC, and  the community at large.  David Morris serves as the band's musical Director, arranger, and leader.  The band rehearses most Sundays 11:30-1:00 at the UUFCC, and plays occasionally for Sunday services at the UUFCC.   Visitors are welcome.   If you play a jazz band instrument (saxophone, trumpet, trombone, or rhythm instrument), and are interested in playing in the band, please contact membership coordinator Claude dePamphilis (claudedep@gmail.com).