
You are free to use any recognized "human subjects" certification course . The UTS-JTS IRB recommends the UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science Certification course, available at no cost. To access the course:

  1. Set up a new account with the UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science http://training.ccts.uic.edu/RegisterType

  2. Check your email for confirmation.

  3. Go to http://training.ccts.uic.edu/course/CourseDetails.aspx?CourseID=3 and press Enroll. You will be prompted to log in, and then press Launch (or press Enroll again if there is no Launch button).

  4. Follow the instructions to take the course.

  5. At the end of the course, you should receive a certification that you completed and passed the course. Please make sure to save this so that you can forward it to the UTS-JTS IRB.