This website gives you all of the Current commands as of (August 10th 2023) and others for Undertale Test place reborn.

1-9: Use basic skills.

W, A, S, D: Move.

W, A, S, D: Dash. Dash in the direction of the arrow keys, consuming a small amount of stamina. If you press and hold the key after hitting repeatedly, the character will be in a running state. By default, stamina is not consumed, but if you enter a battle state[2] If so, stamina is consumed while running.

F: Defense. Reduces damage received from opponent's attacks. Some skill attacks and normal attacks can be blocked, and when defending according to the timing of the opponent's specific skill and attack, a system called Perfect Block stuns me and the opponent for a moment, and both are pushed back, and the player who casts the Perfect Block has stamina all recover Some of the characters' skills include breaking through defense or[3] to destroy[4] There are skills that have effects, so it's good to be familiar with them.

R: Highly compatible with Dash. It is a skill that can be used when lock-on, and each character has its own teleport cooldown. In the direction of movement, if not moving, teleport forward to the target.

Ctrl: Run. Consumes stamina to run.[5]

L or mouse wheel click[6][7] : Lock on. The viewpoint and aim are fixed toward the target, and the direction of all skills is automatically set toward the target. There are some skills that can only be used after lock-on, and are essential for PVP. A system that creates various plays, such as flexibly lock-on and release it for combos.

3. command

/challenge 'nickname'[8] : Sends a challenge request to the opponent. When the opponent accepts the request, it is teleported to a space where only the two of them can fight, and disappears when one of the two's HP is exhausted. Alternatively, you can click on a player on the leaderboard and hit the Challenge button.[9]

!rejoin: Leaves the server to which it belongs and rejoins.

3.1. cmdr

This is a command that can only be used by the owner of the private server or by those who have been granted authority. Instructions are continuously added.

announce (text): Send a server-wide announcement.

alias (alias name) (command):creates a new,single command out of a command and gives arguments.

attack (player name) (number): Changes the player's attack power.

blink: Teleports to the cursor location.

bind (key) (command): Sets the command shortcut.

ban (player name): Bans the player.

bossbar (player name): Creates the player's boss bar.

bring (player name): Teleports the player to their location.

clear: Clear the command history of the cmdr window.

cooldown (player name): Activates the player's cooldown.

createbot (player name) (character name) (spawn motion) (action) (bot behavior difficulty) (attack other bots) (cooldown ignore) (debounce ignore) (teaming target) (attack target): Creates a bot in the form of a player.[10][11]

defense (player name) (number): Changes the player's defense.

dodgechance (player name) (number): Changes the player's dodge chance.[12][13]

debounce (playername): Enables player debounce.

determination (player name) (number): Changes the player's respawn count.[14]

damagescale (player name): Activates the damage scale for the player.

dodgehealth (playername) (number): sets the health of the player's sans.

dodge (player name): Apply dodge to the flare.

discord (Argument 1:string): <Alise> Run a command and discord the output

echo (text):echos your text back to you.

edit (input text) (delimiter): Edit the textbox.

fetch (URL): Fetch a value from the Internet.

follow-player (player name) (target player name): Move the player to another server.[15]

goto-place (player name) (experienceID): Moves the player to the target experience.

get-player-palce-instance (player name) (PlaceIdJobId/PlaceId/JobId):Returns the target player's Place ID and the Jobid separated by a space. Returna 0 if the player is offline or something else goes wrong.

goku (player name): Gives the player permission to use goku.

history (number of lines): displays previous cmdr commands used.

hover: Returns the name of the player hovering over the mouse.

help: Shows how to use all commands.

health (player name) (number): Changes the player's health value.

hidetag: Hide the employee tag.[16]

json-array-decode (JSON):decodes a JSON Array into a comma-separated list.

json-array-encode (CSV):encodesa comma-separated list into a JSON array.

justicefrenzy (player name): Changes all projectiles thrown by Undyne into spears of justice. opening machine[17]

join (CSV):<alias> Joins a CSV with a specified delimiter.

kick (player name): Forces a player out.

kill (player name): kill a player,

knockback (player name): Causes a player to take a knockback.

karma (player name): Causes the player to take karma damage.

len (CVS):Returns the length of a comma-seperated list.

lastbreath (player name): Last breath is activated when a player uses normal sans.

lastchance (player name): A last chance is activated when a player uses hardmode sans.

nocooldown (player name): Removes the player's skill cooldown.[18]

nodebounce (playername): The player's debounce is enabled.[19]

nododge (player name): Makes the player no dodge.

nokarma (player name): Makes the player take no karma damage.

noperms (player name): Removes the player's permission to use DBS characters.

nodamagescale (player name): Removes the player's damage scale.

mapvoting: start map voting

map (CSV):<alias> Maps a CSV into another CSV.

me: tell me your name It's useless.

position (player name):Returns Vextor3 position of you or other players. Empty string is the player has no character.

pick:Picks a value out of a comma-seperated list.

poison (player name) (number): Inflicts poison (karma damage) on the player.

respawn (player name): Respawns a player.

rand (number) (number): Draws a random number between numbers. gambling

replace (Haystack) (Needle) (Replacement):Replaces text A into B

resolve (type) (Arguments Value Operator):Resolves Argument Value Operators into lists. Eg, resolve players * gives you a list of all players.

Run (Command): Runs a command.

run-lines (Scripts):Splits input by newlines and runs each line as its own command. This is used by the init-run command.

runif (Condition) (Argument)) (Test against) (Command):Runs a given command string if a certain condtiion is met.

resize (player name) (number): resize the character.

rename (player name) (rename): Changes the player name.

Remove a boss bar created with the removebossbar:bossbar command.

rejoin (player name): Same as !rejoin.

refresh (playername): Same as respawn cmdr.

shutdown: Close the server.

script (code): Executes the server script.

showtag: Show staff tag.

stamina (player name) (number): Changes stamina.

Summon sansman:sansman888. This is an early version of the bot above.

Same as thru (Extra distance):hover. It's a guess.

teleport (player name) (target player name): Teleports the player to the target player.

toggleexclusives: Whether characters can be used in PS EXCLUSIVE.

toggleteaming: Enable anti-teaming. When activated, teaming within the server becomes impossible.

toggleui: Activates the in-game UI.

tempadmin (player name): Gives the player admin rights.[20]

to (player name) (target player name):same as teleport.

uptime: Increases server startup speed.

unbind (key): Removes a shortcut added with the bind command.

unban (player name): Unbans a player's ban.

undynetimer (player name) (number): Sets the duration of the 3rd phase of Undyne.

undynedetermination (player name) (number): Determines the will of undynedetermination phase 2[21]

unadmine (player name): removes player from admin

version: Shows the current cmdr version.

zamasu (player name): Gives the player access to zamasu.

! (line number): Same as the history command.

!! (line number): Reverts the last used command.

^ (A) (B):<alias> Runs the previous command,replacing all occurrences of A with B

Some commands require developer or administrator privileges.

4. system

See Undertale Test Place Reborn/character documentation for details .

6. etc

If you continue to click the star to the left of the letter REBORN on the menu screen, a window similar to that of Undertale's naming window will appear. In this screen, enter frisk (case sensitivity does not matter) and press Yes to create a hard drive that can only be used on private servers. You can get mod sans.[29]

[D] in front of your name when you go to Extra and donate 20 Robux or more in Donation.[30] [31], and if you donate 100 Robux or more, you get the ability Customizable Skins. This applies even if you purchase a game pass worth 100 Robux from the game pass list, and you can get it even if you get more than 1000 kills, 150 consecutive kills, or an above and beyond badge.

[1] Creators of SoulShatters

[2] In combat

[3] The last normal attack of all characters, Undyne's 1st skill, Asgore's trident 1st skill, etc.

[4] UT Frisk's real sword When skills 2 and 5 and all stamina are exhausted, etc.

[5] As explained earlier, the gauge is not consumed when not in combat.

[6] Literally press the wheel.

[7] You need to place the mouse cursor on the opponent's character and press it.

[8] Display nicknames are also possible.

[9] Ironically, if you press the button and send it, you don't know if it was sent.

[10] Chat with players while fighting.

[11] Characters that have not yet been implemented as bots only hit normal hits in their basic state.

[12] Anything over 100 is just 100%

[13] If it is less than 0, it becomes 0%

[14] Resurrect Frisk with this command and when he dies, a hidden phase will appear.

[15] Elevated privileges are required.

[16] staff only

[17] In fact, if you use 4 times with this command applied, you can feel the damage of over 500 and a huge lag.

[18] If this effect is applied together with the nodebounce command, you can use your skills like crazy while moving to devastate the surroundings. In particular, Undyne sees the effect well.

[19] If this effect is applied with the nocooldown command, you can use your skills like crazy while moving to devastate the surroundings. In particular, Undyne sees the effect well.

[20] It is not saved when you leave the server.

[21] Unlike other commands, the number can exceed 100 even though it is displayed as %![22][23]

[22] At this time, the more you really have, the more you can recover!

[23] Values ​​below 0 are possible, but that's just a shell.

[24] Various settings can be turned on and off.

[25] You can see players who have achieved ranks 1 through 10 in Kills, Weekly kills, Streaks, and Donations.

[26] You can see and wear skins. If you have the Customizable Skins game pass (or 200 Robux Donation) or have achieved 1000 kills, 150 consecutive kills, or Above and beyond badges, you can change the color of your weapon.

[27] You can see various statistics such as the number of kills you have killed and the

 number of deaths.

[28] You can donate Robux to the creator. Prices range from 20 robux to 5000 robux.

This is token from the wiki  :)