Advanced Modeling and Simulation Research Group

Understanding physics and physical phenomena of complex mechanisms is critical to designing efficient and economical systems. Engineering challenges involved in such systems however are often complex and involve multi-physics coupling at multiple scales ranging in several orders (nano-, micro-, to meters) of magnitude. Latest advancement in computational and data-driven technologies (such as domain specific multi-physics tools, exascale computing, Machine Learning, Uncertainty Quantification, Scalable & Portable Libraries) and Supercomputing interfaces/infrastructures (such as HPC/GPU, MPI-X, Cloud computing, Kubernetes/Docker) promises novel ways to address intricate issues of complex systems. Latest and future computing technologies can in fact provide needed number-crunching resources to advanced Modeling & Simulations (M&S) researchers and developer for in-depth high-fidelity investigations of complex systems, resulting in better-faster-cheaper designs.

Our research group focuses on advanced modeling and simulations. We develop computational algorithms and supporting verification and validation techniques for thermo-fluid dynamics problems. Such problems are difficult to analyze and often involve multiphysics occurring at multiscale both in temporal and spatial representations & possess chaotic or highly non-linear physics.  Computational investigation of such problems usually require advanced scalable and portable numerical techniques  for massively parallel High Performance Computer (HPC) systems along with a collaborative team of interdisciplinary experts.