東京大学大学院医学系研究科 疾患生命工学センター
Department of Structural Physiology,
Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine,
Graduate School of Medicine,
the University of Tokyo
Learning and psychiatric disorders from the synapse level
Humans accumulate vast amounts of information in their brains to adapt to today's complex society. Synaptic plasticity may play a major role for the information storage for adaptation especially since adolescent period when the physical development of the brain reaches to adult level. Instead, dysfunction of the adaptation process may cause several psychiatric disorders, whose onsets are frequent in this periods and which often involves synaptic function and brain regions relevant to the adaptive learning. Importantly, the brain are required not only to passively internalize environmental structure but also to actively infer and explore for genuine adaptation. Thus, we utilize the cutting-edge techniques to clarify mechanisms of adaptive learning from synapse to behavior in mice, and aim to understand psychiatric disorders from a new perspective, where predisposition in brain dysfunction and environmental information interact at synapses to cause psychiatric disorders.
2024/10 韓国神経科学会で柳下が発表 Yagishita presented at KSBNS.
2024/10 SfNで近江君が発表 Hidefumi Omi presented at SfN.
2024/8 OIST TSVP Thematic Program "Neuromodulation of Adaptive Learning"で柳下が発表
2024/7 AMED 脳統合プログラムの個別重点課題に統合失調症動物モデル研究が採択。慶応・田中研、科学大・塩飽研、九大・髙野研と連携し研究を進めます。
2024/7 日本神経科学会で近江君が発表, 柳下が教育講演・シンポジウムで発表 Hidefumi Omi and Sho Yagishita presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society.
2024/6 井上愛里さんが研究員として参加 Airi Inoue joined the lab.
2024/4 惠谷 隼君, 矢賀 勇志君が博士課程学生として参加 Hayato Etani and Takeshi Yaga joined the lab.
2024/3 山口かりんさんが修士課程を修了 Karin Yamaguchi completed Master Course!
2024/3 S4SNで近江君が発表 Hidefumi Omi presented at S4SN.
2024/3 AMED 脳統合プログラムの中核拠点に精神疾患マウスMRI研究の分担として参画
2023/11 SfNで田尻さんが発表 Mio Tajiri presented at SfN.
2023/10 浅野笙君が医学部生の配属として参加 Sho Asano joined the lab.
2023/10 内藤カンファレンスで田尻さんが発表 Mio Tajiri presented at Naito Conference.
2023/7 日本神経科学会で田尻さんが発表 Mio Tajiri presented at the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Neuroscience Society.
2023/6 International Basal Ganglia Society Conferenceで柳下がPlenary Lectureに登壇。
2023/4 鐘 文穎さんが博士課程学生として参加 Wenying Zhong joined the lab.
2023/1 大久保孝慶君が医学部生の配属として参加 Takayoshi Okubo joined the lab.
2022/8 山口かりんさんが修士課程学生として参加 Karin Yamaguchi joined the lab.
2022/12 シャラポワさんが研究員として参加 Daria Sharapova joined the lab.
2022/7 インドのサマーキャンプ Computational Approaches to Memory and Plasticityで柳下が講演. Yagishita presented at Computational Approaches to Memory and Plasticity.
2022/7 宮下梨菜さんが研究補佐員として参加 Rina Miyashita joined the lab.
2022/4 梅本祥央君が研究員として参加 Sachio Umemoto joined the lab.
2022/4/1 構造生理学部門 河西 教授の退官に伴い、柳下 講師が研究室の運営を開始
〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 医学部教育研究棟N202
Department of Structural Physiology,
Center for Disease Biology and Integrative Medicine,
Graduate School of Medicine, the University of Tokyo
Faculty of Medicine Education and Research Bldg N202,
7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-0033 JAPAN
Email: yagishita-tky[a]umin.ac.jp
TEL +81-(0)3-5841-1441
FAX +81-(0)3-5841-1442
Last update: Oct, 2024