Comparison of Various Methods in Deformation Quantization

2022 NCTS Undergraduate Summer Research Program 大學部學生暑期研究計畫 --- project on deformation quantization

Project overview

Deformation quantization introduced by Bayen et al. is a formalization of the general idea of quantization of a classical mechanical system to a quantum mechanical system. In this formulation, a classical mechanical is characterized by a Poisson/symplectic structure, and a quantum mechanical system is characterized by a “star product” which is a formal deformation of the multiplication of smooth functions. Nowadays, there are several approaches to this subject. We are particularly interested in

  • Kontsevich’s approach by formality theorem,

  • Berezin-Toeplitz quantization

and their relationship.


  • 第一階段 (第1週):參加短期課程並學習兩個方法的基本知識

  • 第二階段 (第2-4週):分組討論 --- 選擇一個方法做更深入的學習

  • 第三階段 (第5-6週):兩個方法的比較 --- 兩組互相跟對方解釋在第二階段學到的東西,並討論兩個方法的關係以及得到的結果的異同



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01.C領域-清大數學廖軒毅-Comparison of various methods in deformation quantization.pdf