Branch's Events

PHS Athletics

The event below was sent out by PHS Athletics. As a kickoff to our NYCOA year, we invite you all to participate in this virtual event. Have a great weekend.

LCDR Kari Schlessinger

NYCOA Secretary

Greetings Junior Officers:

Please help us as we continue to keep our beloved, LT Melinda Pritchett’s, memory alive. Our office suddenly lost a fellow PHS officer in September and we are still on the mend. She leaves behind a newborn baby, Adelina. LT Pritchett was a huge advocate of health and education. Please join us in this 5k run, as we set a healthy lifestyle example for LT Pritchett’s daughter and other children.

Event leaders are in Elizabeth, NJ but all are welcome to participate virtually. We ask that you rep your best PHS gear (shirts, flags, banners, etc.) and proper PPE per local guidelines while participating in this 5k run/10k walk. Record your progress on your favorite run tracker and snap a few pictures post run showing all that PHS pride! After you complete the event, kindly email the event leaders with your pictures and a screenshot of your run/walk tracker. Family, friends and community members are encouraged to join. We ask that all participants run and submit on October 24th.

This is a PHS Athletics Event:

When: October 24, 2020

Time: 00:00-23:59

Place: Virtual (At your location)

In officio salutis!

Event Leaders,

LT Rivera,

LT Mbahwe,



SOPs (Committees and Workgroups)

Greater New York Commissioned Officers Association of the United States Public Health Service