Hello I am


Contemplative coder and a tech enthusiast, inspired by tough problems.

Personal Details

I done my bachelor in Compute Science from the University of Lahore at in June 2022. From being introvert to extrovert all the credit goes to academia by conducting Group activities, Presentation, Assignment and Project. In academia journey, I took first step towards technology and exploring continuously and now I become tech enthusiastic always excited to learn and explore upcoming/latest technology. 

I am a curios person, aesthetic and historic stuff attract me more love to travel and explore traditional culture and events through out the camera lens. I love to read science fiction. I am also an avid gamer. I love to play athletics competitive strategic sports like Cricket, Football and badminton. Lastly, I love learning. Every day I push myself to learn something new, whether that be about cloud Computing, networking, Data engineering, Internet-of-things (IOT), Information Technology or miscellaneous facts about the universe.


Cloud  Computing 

Internet of things

Data Engineering


Latest Project