

  • Dr Sachchida Tripathi IITK, on Environment day

Fireside Chat on Usiru: Air Pollution reduction by Crowdsourced #RichData #SmartPolicy


Tackling atmospheric pollution is hard. More data will help A joint initiative by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) India, University of California at San Diego (UCSD), and the California Air Resources Board (CARB)
Species planted should be ones that are most effective at trapping pollution, typically those with large leaves. Officials also need to account for things like wind patterns and tree spacing. If water is scarce, they’ll want to consider drought-tolerant varieties. The ability of certain moss cultures to filter pollutants such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides from the air makes them ideal natural air purifiers


A inventory of some ideas and providers helping Individuals and small communities reduce health effects from sustained high Air Pollution. No particular order

Moss Micro Forest in city square with IoT smarts equivalent to 200 trees. Different types of moss bind environmental toxins such as particulate matter and nitrogen oxides while producing oxygen at the same time .Controllable ventilation technology allows airflow to be intensified, Grid connected power for fans and IoTAir pollution - specifically PM2.5 and PM10 - reduces by 65% and 28%, respectively, with Pure Skies at a distance of 2 km away, finds a study by SIMA Labs, an independent 3rd party testing body. A self-organized task force report for the World Sustainable Development Summit, New Delhi, October 6, 2016 TERI Task-Force Chairs: V. Ramanathan, I. H. Rehman & S. Sha Agricultural fires in Punjab and Haryana cause about half of Delhi’s air pollution, according to a new Harvard University study. Daniel Cusworth, an atmospheric chemist at Harvard and co-founder of Green Screen, a US start-up, proposes a solution by converting the farm waste that is usually burned into cooling panels for the city’s poor, to protect them from extreme summer heat
Market-based solutions instead of command-and-control regulation could allow economic growth to coexist with cleaner air

A startup named Kurin System in India has come up with plans for a “City Cleaner” that will be 40 feet tall and 20 feet wide. It could purify 3Km radius 32 million cubic meters of air everyday. It may cost 2 Cr and needs 4-6 months to construct. Does not use China style ionisationaTechTron air purifiers clean 60 feet radius , costs 2.5Lakh and may have 500 installed in Bangalorestudents at LPU, and scholar from IISER Mohali. marine microbe in algae conduct photosynthesis. Cost 18-25K


Usage of Big Data and Data Science and machine Learning. There is overlap between AgriTech and Weather disciplines here and we see more ability to innovate. No particular order

Create microclimate simulations and plan resilient cities without urban heat islands. Proof your sustainable urban planning concept. Adapt to climate change.The pollution in Delhi and across the Gangetic Plains is usually blamed on smoke from cars, factories, and crop burning. These are major factors but are made worse by topography. Unlike other parts of the country, the region, which sits at the foothills of the Himalayas, traps cold air during winters. This means lower wind speeds and lower temperatures but greater pollution. In his recent book, The Great Smog of India, researcher Siddharth Singh, terms this problem as a ‘meteorological misfortune’.How big a role does this misfortune play in Delhi compared to other cities? With rising concerns about the steep increase in air pollution in the National Capital Territory of Delhi, several factors—particularly motorised transportation, construction, and stubble burning in neighbouring states—are being identified as contributing to this hazard. However, in order to make effective policy decisions, there is a need for a holistic approach that identifies the root causes of the problem. The use of system dynamics simulation offers a novel systems thinking approach to understand Delhi’s air pollution, taking into account the dynamic nature of the air pollution system as well as the complex interdependencies among the various factors and sources of air pollution. Breezo Data against Air Pollution


In no particular order. Providers of Air Pollution, Micro weather and other devices

Meet these 4 startups fighting pollution with ideas from thick air

Read more at:

  1. getAmbee
  2. PAQS
  3. Oizom
  4. Bosch
  5. Skymet
  6. Yuktix