Using WordPress as a Content Management System

You have always wanted to create a website. This would be your personal space on the Internet. What may be holding you back is the fact that you are worried about messing with HTML, CSS and Javascript programming.

I have good news for you, today programming a website using HTML, CSS and Javascript is almost dead. Most people only use a content management system that provides a robust framework that offers the content they want, text, images, audio - podcasts, video - videocasts - you name your content that CMS delivers.

Today, no website owner really needs to hire a website development house to add, update or delete the content of their site to keep it up to date. If you can use an Editor, you can build, update, and keep a really attractive site up to date using a content management system.

Among the many free content management systems that can be downloaded and used today, WordPress is the easiest to configure and use and is very mature and robust.

Wordpress was essentially created to be a framework for first-line blogs. There are many blogs running on WordPress. BUT what many do not know is that WordPress can also be used to create a fully functional and dynamic site because WordPress is also an excellent content management system.

WordPress is completely reliable after being around for a long time. Most of their internal problems are solved for a long time. There are a large number of add-ons available today, most of them free, some available for a very modest price to help extend the functionality of the WordPress CMS engine. There is a WordPress plugin for almost all the functionality a web site owner might want. In addition, there are a lot of software development houses that will create custom additions to WordPress at very modest prices.

Today, I can use WordPress with confidence to build any site. Add a shopping cart, enable search engine optimization for each page. Almost all the features of a website are naturally working in WordPress or have a supplement that does the job.

Today, WordPress has acquired a CMS avatar, it is simple to use, robust, scalable and has an easy-to-use management interface. Let's analyze the functionality of a CMS extensively and see if WordPress fits.

In terms of functionality, most of the visitor management system (CMS) can be broadly divided into three unique sections. They are as follows:

1. An administration department

The administration section for all CMSs is usually accessed through a login system. The CMS should be able to recognize you as your administrator alone and then expose your administrator interface. This is because all the resources in a CMS are available for manipulation by its administrator.

The CMS login form captures a user login and password combination, the combination entered is the administrator's, CMS provides access to all of its internal resources through a graphical user interface.

The GUI of a CMS generally exposes several tools that allow its administrator to capture, format, and store user information in the CMS - DataBase Management System (DBMS). User information is what is displayed to site visitors and may consist of text, images, video and audio.

Once user information is stored in DBMS, they can be accessed at any time by using a graphical user interface (GUI), updated (ie edited), deleted or displayed as needed using the CMS environment.

2. The database management system

All CMS require a data store below them. This is because all data displayed to users is created through the Admin section and stored in the data store attached to the GUI in the Admin section. Once such user data is stored in the CMS data store, the administrator can retrieve it and display it to site visitors or edit it again.

There are several open source, free download and use of data warehouses available today such as:





WordPress uses MySQL, which is a robust, enterprise-grade and free to use DBMS as your data store. Today, MySQL is owned by Oracle Corporation.

3. Integrated CMS applications that retrieve user data as needed.

All CMS have several integrated programs that:

Restore user data