psychology diversity research fund


This fund will provide up to $1000 of support each year for USF students’ innovative psychology research that advances the goals of diversity and inclusion in our department, university, and society. 

The Fund will also support initiatives in the Psychology student diversity committee. 


Recently, all too familiar stories of racial injustice have dominated the headlines, calling into relief the desperate need for research and initiatives supporting minority communities. As psychological scientists, we have the tools to respond to this need. And yet, psychology departments frequently lack diversity in their research, researchers, and program initiatives. In order to rectify this shortcoming—and to be a leading department in the field of Psychology—we are hoping to support and incentivize excellent psychological science and initiatives that represents the society on which we aim to shine a light.


By investing in research and initiatives that emphasizes diversity and inclusion, we aim to accomplish four goals: 

How can you help?

In order to bring this exciting opportunity to life, we need to raise $25,000 to permanently endow the fund. As a member of our Alumni community, we ask you to consider one of the following ways to make a difference:

 Please visit this link to make your donation!


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