USF psychology student diversity committee

OUr mission statement

The USF Psychology Student Diversity Committee is devoted to cultivating a welcoming, inclusive, and equitable academic environment in our community. We seek to provide a collaborative space for students and faculty to enhance diversity representation in our department’s research, teaching, and mentorship. We are committed to upholding our values of safety, wellbeing, and success for all members of our community. 

OUr subcommittees

Diversifying Graduate Student Recruitment Subcommittee: This group focuses on strategies to enhance diversity within the graduate student body by implementing inclusive recruitment practices, reaching out to underrepresented communities, and creating an inclusive environment for prospective students from various backgrounds.

Higher Education Outreach Program Subcommittee: This team concentrates on establishing connections and partnerships with external organizations, schools, and communities to promote higher education access, share resources, and facilitate pathways for individuals interested in pursuing higher education.

Mentorship Program Subcommittee: This subcommittee develops structured programs to connect experienced graduate students with undergraduate students, offering guidance, support, and valuable insights to help them navigate their academic journey effectively.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students Subcommittee: This subcommittee is dedicated to providing a supportive and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ students within the USF community. It works on initiatives and resources that promote inclusivity, respect, and understanding for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Sexual Violence Awareness Subcommittee: This subcommittee is dedicated to educating the community on topics pertaining to the pressing issue of sexual violence. Through our efforts, we plan to make clear what comprises sexual violence, who it may impact, as well as remove some of the stigma that frequently surrounds discussing sexual violence and give individuals a safe space to be heard and seen.