When you try to log off from your computer, you can't log off, or event messages that are logged in the Application log indicate that the user profile wasn't unloaded. This problem may occur if Microsoft Windows or third-party programs don't stop running when you try to log off from your computer. This article contains a step-by-step method to help you resolve this problem.

The application event IDs 1000, 1500, 1517, 1524 are logged in the Application log. Viewing events in the Application log is the most accurate method to determine user profile unload errors. If you don't see these events in the Application log, you don't have user profile unload errors. For more information about the event messages in the Application log, see the Event messages in the Application log section.

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The cached profile isn't deleted when you use a roaming user profile that is configured to delete the locally cached copy of the profile when you log off. Symptoms of this error are recorded as event messages in the Application log.

In Windows XP and in Windows Server 2003, you can log off, but you can't recover the memory that the user profile uses until the user profile can be unloaded. You can log off because the roaming user profile is reconciled by using a copy of the contents of the registry. Symptoms of this error are recorded as event messages in the Application log.

When you try to log off in Windows 2000, the "Saving settings..." message is displayed for a long time, and Windows stops trying to log off. If you're using a roaming user profile on a network, Windows indicates that the user profile on the computer doesn't reconcile with the roaming user profile on the network. You cannot log on because the user profile did not log off. Symptoms of this error are recorded as event messages in the Application log.

To resolve this problem, use the Microsoft User Profile Hive Cleanup Service (UPHClean). UPHClean monitors the computer while you log off, and then UPHClean unloads and reconciles user profiles so that you can log off. This method shows how to install and to run UPHClean.

To verify that this method worked, log off Windows. Windows should log off immediately. Open the Application log and determine if any event messages indicate that there were user profile errors. For more information about the event messages in the Application log, see the Event messages in the Application log section.

If this method didn't work: If you can't log off Windows, or there are event messages that indicate that there were user profile unloading errors, this method didn't work. You might want to ask someone for help, or you might want to try Advanced Troubleshooting.

Your user profile is a collection of settings that make the computer look and work the way that you want it to look and to work. Your user profile contains your settings for desktop backgrounds, for screen savers, for pointer preferences, for sound settings, and for other features. User profiles make sure that your personal preferences are used when you log on to Windows.

The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps make sure that user sessions are completely ended when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a user logs off. In those cases, the user session is prevented from completely ending. This can result in problems when you use roaming user profiles in a network environment or when locked profiles are used as implemented through the Shared Computer Toolkit for Windows XP.

In Windows 2000, you can benefit from the User Profile Hive Cleanup service if the Application log shows event ID 1000, and the message text indicates that the profile isn't unloading and that the error is "Access is denied." On Windows XP and on Windows Server 2003, event IDs 1517 and 1524 indicate the same problem.

The User Profile Hive Cleanup service monitors for users who have logged off and for whom registry hives are still loaded. When this occurs, the service determines which applications have handles that are opened to the hives and releases them. It logs the application name and what registry keys were left open. After this occurs, the system finishes unloading the profile.

When you try to log off from a computer that is running Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, Windows 2000, or Windows NT 4.0, one of the following event messages in the Application log are a symptom of a user profile error.

An event message can result for many reasons. When you receive an event, confirm that it has the same description every time. This will help you determine whether the event is caused by a user profile error.

The functionality of UPHClean (v1.6) is included in the Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 User Profile Service. The User Profile Service performs all the necessary work to prevent user profile log-off errors from occurring.

The genuine uphclean.exe file is a software component of User Profile Hive Cleanup by Microsoft.

Recommended for network machines that utilize roaming profiles, this application runs on logoff and checks for processes that have hooks in the user's profile. If any are detected, that process is terminated immediately. This keeps processes free for other users and ensures that network profiles are not connected to remote processes at any given time after logoff. Founded in 1975 in New Mexico, Microsoft is now one of the largest software corporations in the world. Currently headquartered in Washington, the flagship Windows operation system is the most utilized OS in the world.

A. UPH Clean is a service that you install on desktops and servers that's activated on user logoff to kill any processes that maintain hooks into a user's profile. This helps address problems that might occur when profiles aren't fully unloaded and is especially problematic in terminal server and roaming profile environments. You can download UPH Clean from =1B286E6D-8912-4E18-B570-42470E2F3582&displaylang=en . After you download the file, run the UPHClean-Setup.msi and follow the onscreen prompts. Alternatively, the program is fully self-contained in the uphclean.exe image; you can copy this file onto other machines to a \program files\uphclean folder, then run the command

The UPHClean readme file has full details about the event log notices that you'll see as a result of the UPHClean service as well as configuration options to report only on processes that stop a profile from unloading instead of killing it (To do so, set the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UPHClean\Parameters\REPORT_ONLY registry subkey to 1).

I'm looking for Powershell (preferred) script, or .CMD or .VBS, to delete a specific user profile on a workstation (WinXP) or terminal server (2000, '03 or '08). I know all about the delprof utility... That only allows you delete based on a period of inactivity. I want a script to:

Basically, my HelpDesk used to be local administrators on our Citrix servers and a common fix for various issues was for them to delete a user's profile on the citrix server(s) and have that user log back in - voila, whatever issue they had was resolved. Going forward, in new Citrix environment, they will no longer be local admins on those boxes, but still need to be able to delete profiles (deleting the entire profile: folder and reg hive is key). thanks.

It doesn't work using the same workflow you detailed (it requesting a username first). The problem with this approach is that the Win32_UserProfile doesn't contain the Username, only thr SID. When the user logs into the machine the SID is used to decide which profile is the correct one. This prevents problems with renaming a user accounts in AD.

I think the Cntrl+Alt+Del Consultancy in Australia developed a tool that might help you. It's called REMPROF and with this command, you can just delete a single profile off a server. Of course, you would have to substitute the actual user name in the command:

I don't believe you can run this remotely from another server & you can't run this without administrative rights, unfortunately. I don't believe your support staff will be able to manage users & user profiles on the any server without being a member of the local admins group.

Well instead we decided there was no good enough reason to keep any profiles on Citrix servers (they're roaming anyway with any real data redirected) so we set policy to delete profile when user logs off. thanks all for the suggestions.

The users hive is located under their user directory (NTUSER.DAT) so deleting the directory with an rmdir /s /q {username} should suffice. The only part that wouldn't be deleted is under the profile list in the registry HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList but all that does is map the SID to a profile location.

The version is 1.6g, User Profile Hive Cleanup Service, a service to help with slow log off and unreconciled profile problems. The User Profile Hive Cleanup service helps to ensure user sessions are completely terminated when a user logs off. System processes and applications occasionally maintain connections to registry keys in the user profile after a...

To resolve the issue, use the Microsoft User Profile Hive Cleanup Service (UPHClean). UPHClean monitors the computer while you log off, and then UPHClean unloads and reconciles user profiles so that you can log off.

I've run into this even on WinXP. I've come to notice over the years that you will receive this error when attempting to delete the user profile folder of a user that has logged on since the last reboot. If you reboot that system the NTUSER.DAT file will be released. It will then delete just fine.

Search tellme.txt for locked files. Handle.exe (sysinternals) can also be used to close open files. Rclick Computer; properites; advanced system settings; Advanced tab; Click Uer Profiles Settings button. Remove the profile here to cleanup the profile files and profile registry settings. 17dc91bb1f

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