An argumentative essay on “Is cancel-culture good for society?" - Tips & Sample

An argumentative essay is the most common type of essay that is written today. Almost every other student whether in school, college, or university is asked by his instructors to write an argumentative essay on a particular topic of discussion. Despite this, most of the students are not able to write effective argumentative essays and because of this they use different services or are heard telling essay writer onlinewrite my essay for me as the deadline is near and I am not able to write it”. However, effective argumentative essays are written with practice and a clear understanding of the topic. Meaning that a clear understanding of the topic will help the writer prepare strong arguments for the essay. And strong arguments make an argumentative essay effective for the readers to understand.

Learning to write effective arguments, that are valid, complete, and are supported by pieces of evidence, comes with time. Practice, attention as well as a clear understanding of the topic contributes to writing effective argumentative essays. However, a professional writer of a well-known essay writing service once stated that pieces of evidence are very necessary to persuade the audience and strengthen the arguments presented in an argumentative essay. However, the evidence included must be valid and accurate.

Tips for writing an effective argumentative essay

Mentioned below are some of the tips for writing effective argumentative essays that attract the readers of the attention at the very first glance:

  1. Always start your argumentative essay with a sentence that attracts the reader's attention and directly emphasizes the topic that you aim to discuss in the essay. A professional essay writer always starts his essays with a hook. This hook can be in the form of a relevant as well as attractive quotation, or even a rhetorical question. However, it should be made sure that the rotation or rhetorical questions to be included are relevant to the context of the discussion.

  2. Preparation of an outline for the structure of an argumentative essay before starting the write-up is very necessary for writing an effective argumentative essay. The reason behind this is that during an outline the writer thinks of all the possible arguments that he can include to support his perspective or viewpoint. These different arguments are then elaborated during the detailed write-up of the argumentative essay. Directly starting the write-up of the essay, that is without preparing an outline, the writer most probably forgot essential points that you wanted to include in the essay to make it eye-catching.

  3. Include facts and figures as well as statistics in the form of evidence to support the argument in the argumentative essay. Including facts and figures for statistics add power to the words of a writer. However, statistics that are included in the essay should be valid, accurate, and cited properly.

  4. Always research both sides of the topic, meaning that the one you are supporting and one you are opposing. This will help you convince your audience of your chosen perspective and show the reasons why the opposite one is not correct.

Sample argumentative essay on “Is cancel-culture good for society?”

In the previous few years, the controversy of cancel culture has been of great interest to most people. There are some who claim that cancel-culture has a severe effect on society and the people living in it. They state this based on the detrimental effect that cancel-culture has on the conduct or behavior of people in society. Apart from that further highlights the negative impact that canceling has on the image of the person in the society who is being canceled. However, on the other hand, people opposing this viewpoint present a number of different arguments to prove them wrong and show how cancel-culture is good for society and the people living in it. Cancel culture is not good for society as it is the right of every citizen to present his viewpoint in front of others, also it ruins the image of the person in the society who is being canceled and pressurizes or forces that person to cross the margins of the cultures as well as society.

Cancel culture is not good for society as it is the right of every citizen to share his perspective or viewpoint with others or put it in front of others in society. Even if his views are taken as politically wrong, offensive, or even undesirable still then cancel-culture is not the solution. The reason behind this is that canceling people will not improve the condition of that particular situation, rather it will worsen the circumstances and will give air to even more controversial and offensive debate.

Cancel culture is not good for society as it ruins the image of the person who is being canceled because of his politically wrong, offensive, or undesirable views. Cancel culture makes the person worthless in front of society after canceling him for his views. If canceling would be the only penalty for politically wrong, offensive or undesirable then cancel-culture would not be that bad for the society but the after-effects of canceling are very severe for the person and this is the reason cancel-culture is bad and has negative effects on the society.

Cancel culture is not good as it forces the person to cross the margins of society and culture. This is dangerous for society as the person is so forced that he or she can take any harmful step which might be dangerous for the people. This will have more negative results than offensive views will have on society.

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