USeful MAPS and Data about COVID-19 Risks

There's a lot of panicking out there, but the actual number of deaths from COVID-19 in the USA is very small, as of March 28, 2020, only 2357 ( out of a population of over 328 million ( That makes your total risk about 1 in 139,261.

Contrast those 2357 deaths with over 34,000 deaths last season in the US from the flu ( Worse, the CDC estimated over 35 MILLION of us were symptomatic with the flu last season - that's an astounding 1 in 10 risk of infection and a total risk about 1 in 9610, more than a HUNDRED times that of COVID-19. You really should be far more worried about the flu than COVID-19. And - BONUS - no police state quarantine "shelter in place" "stay at home" order was needed to prevent you from dying of the flu last season!

Too many numbers to keep your attention? Here's some nice little pies to make it clearer

COVID-19 vs 2019 Flu Mortality

Okay, so you're still concerned about COVID-19 despite the fields of brown. So, what's your risk per state? Glad you asked. Take at look at the next page, which shows the risk expressed as 4 tiers of 1 in "x-y", where x-y are multiples of the national risk (lower is better). The color that's most important here is red (i.e. hot), where the risk is higher than the national risk. If you hover over a state, a popup will show you the latest state population and number of reported deaths, along with the state risk.

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality 4-Tier Risk

That's a lot of green states, where the risk is significantly lower than the national risk. That sounds like the deaths are focused on only a few states. So let's refocus the 4 tiers on only those states where the risk is higher than the national risk.

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality Highest Risks

Whoa! New York and Louisiana don't look so hot. On the good side, there are only two states with a SIGNIFICANTLY higher than national risk. Why those two? Are there common factors? Well, for one, both of their governors are Democrats. What about the others on the hot list? Let's color them with the standard colors these days.

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality Party Risk

Ouch! The high risk states with Democratic governors DEFINITELY outnumber the high risk states with Republican governors. Oopsie. Pretend that never happened. Moving on.

Let's go back to the numbers. NY with 965 deaths versus 151 in Louisiana. Wait, what? 965 deaths in NY. Out of a total of 2357? That seems awfully high, doesn't it?

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality by State

Yeah, that LOOKS awfully high. Wait, there's a lot of blue going on there? Is that what it looks like? Are those our trusty standard political party colors again? Oopsie. Sorry about that; those weren't supposed to be there. Pretend that never happened.


That IS an awful lot of blue. Looks like all but 2 of the snakes rearing their ugly heads are blue. Maybe it's just because of all that NY blue. What if we took it out? It's not like ALL the deaths are in NY, right?

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality by 49 States

Nope. That's still an awful lot of blue, even without NY, which accounts for a whopping 41% of the deaths from COVID-19. Wait, what? FORTY-ONE PERCENT? Hmm, the idea of quarantining NY doesn't sound so bad now, does it?

That aside, there seems to be a lot of blue, but maybe it's a trick of the eye, right? Let's simplify it to a nice little pie, and I bet it looks better for Blue. Hopefully. Maybe.

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality by Party-NY

Or maybe not. That's not going to look better when we add NY back in, is it?

COVID-19 Per Capita Mortality by Party

No, no it doesn't. That's a sea of blue right there. Kinda looks like Democratic governors are bad for your health. Might want to remember that come November.