Use AmiBroker's powerful and ultra-fast Exploration tool to scan the market for opportunities and inefficiencies - your edge to stay ahead of the crowd BUILD & VALIDATE THE SYSTEM Define objective entry & exit rules to remove emotions from your trading. Use Portfolio-level Backtesting & Optimization to fine tune the performance. Validate robustness using Walk-forward & Monte Carlo simulation TRADE THE SYSTEMTrade visually from Charts, or use Analysis tool to generate order list, or place orders directly from your code using Auto-trading interface. Whatever your style is. The choice is yours.  Download Free Trial for  Windows Upgrade your trading to the next level  Powerful, easy-to-use and beautiful charts Drag-and-drop averages, bands and indicators on other indicators, modify parameters in real-time using sliders and customize using many different styles & gradients to make them beautiful

Your trading systems and indicators written in AFL will take less typing and less space than in other languages because many typical tasks in AFL are just single-liners. For example dynamic, ATR-based Chandelier's stop is just:ApplyStop( stopTypeTrailing, stopModePoint, 3* ATR(14), True, True );

Use Amiquote Cracked Amibroker Indicators


This means you installed AmiQuote in incorrect directory or installed wrong version of AmiQuote (32-bit instead 64-bit or the other way round). You need to install MATCHING version of AmiQuote and into proper directory (that is auto-suggested by setup program) see


For example, right click on the price chart and you can adjust any of your parameters such as your moving averages. You can also Edit the formula or delete any of the indicators. You can also move the panes around, maximise their size or remove them completely.

As well as using chart panes, there are also sheets. You can have different charts and different indicators on the various sheets. There are 8 sheets available and you can rename each one.

As mentioned already in this Amibroker tutorial, you can also create your own indicators by going into the formula editor. After writing the code for your formula you can clik Apply Indicator or Insert Indicator and that will plot it onto the chart or into its own pane.

The Tools Menu is where you can purify your database, maintain indicators and set up third party plugins. You also use this menu to access Preferences to customise your setup. You can change the color of your charts and candlesticks and set up your time intervals.

In Amibroker you can create new watchlists and put whatever symbols you like into them. A simple way to do that is to right click on the symbol in the symbols window, and then add the selected symbol to the watchlist you created. If you select more than one symbol amibroker will let you add those symbols all at once. You can also type in the symbols separated by a comma.

Often you can do the calculations you need with simple math. Always check the amibroker function reference as it provides lots of pre-built functions to speed up your workflow. You can do all sorts of complex calculations in Amibroker like standard deviation, moving average, MACD, RSI with just one line of code.

I have a Windows/Ubuntu dual boot configuration with my Lenovo X1 notbook. The reason to keep Windows is mainly due to Microsoft Excel and Powerpoint that I can't find a good alternative in Linux platform. LibreOffice is fine but I still like Excel and Powerpoint. Another reason is Amibroker comes with Windows version only. Tomasz Janeczko, the founder and chief software architect of, has done a great job and I won't request a Linux version.

Functions are mathematical expressions that perform some sort of calculations. AmiBroker has an extensive library of functions available like price based, composites, date / time, lowest / highest, math functions, indicators, moving averages, statistical functions, string manipulation, time frame functions and much more. If a function you need is not there already, you can program it using the AmiBroker AFL language. Most popular indicators are included in AmiBroker and you can also program your own.

When you buy AmiBroker 4.80.2 AmiQuote, you will receive an email from with the download link to your personal activation key. The email will also contain your user name and order number. If you have not received this email, please check your spam folder or contact

Click on the download link in the email and save the file to your computer. The file name will be something like amiquote4802key.exe. Run the file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to enter your user name and serial key when prompted.

This video covers some of the basics of Amibroker AFL Programming. There is a lot of introduction and context at the beginning of the video which can be skipped, so I would suggest you skip to the 45 minute mark where the author starts talking about the Amibroker Formula Language (AFL Amibroker) and explains how to create and plot your own indicators. In this video you will learn some useful tips about how to create indicators and strategies in AFL, how the Amibroker Formula Language syntax works, how to plot and control the format and layout of your charts in Amibroker. Overall I think if you skip the first 45 minutes of this video it is quite informative if you are new to Amibroker coding and AFL.

This video covers some of the basics of the Amibroker formula language. The author demonstrates the coding of a basic trading system in Amibroker and how to plot the indicators relating to this strategy. While the layout of the code that the author uses is not ideal from my perspective, there are some useful points especially relating to the plotting of the signals and indicators on the Amibroker chart. The video also talks about setting the backtest settings and how to run a backtest in Amibroker and interpret some of the results using the report.

This Amibroker tutorial video explains how to code and plot your own indicators using some basic examples. The AFL functions discussed are moving average function (MA), highest high function (HHV) and lowest low function (LLV). This is a short Amibroker Tutorial video which is helpful if you are new to writing indicators in AFL code and plotting indicators on your charts in Amibroker.

This long tutorial video provides a broad overview of Amibroker charts, Amibroker indicators, the Amibroker Formula Language (AFL) and backtesting. Matt Radke is a credible expert in Amibroker and ALF and this tutorial is well worth watching if you are new to Amibroker.

There are a huge number of built in Amibroker Functions that you can use to design your stock trading systems. Unfortunately there are only a small number of good quality amibroker tutorial videos available for free online, however I have assembeled a number of Amibroker Function Tutorial videos that I have found useful in this section of The Ultimate Free Amibroker Tutorial Guide.

This is the Amibroker Indicator section of The Ultimate Free Amibroker Tutorial Guide. Below you will find some useful videos I have found which explain how to use particular indicators and related functions in the Amibroker Formula Language.

In this Amibroker Tutorial Video AlgoJi shows you how to download economic indicator data for use in Amibroker. This could be useful if you want to use economic indicators as a filter in your trading systems. Once imported you can plot the economic indicators in your Amibroker charts and also use them in your trading systems.

In this useful Amibroker charting tutorial video from Dave at ASX MarketWatch you will learn how to plot your trading system on a chart so you can visually see the indicators and buy / sell arrows on the chart. This is useful for ensuring your system is behaving as expected as well as for monitoring your stocks for buy and sell signals once you have open positions. The video explains how to use the Amibroker Plot Function and illustrates how to use the plot function with a simple bollinger band trading system. The video also demonstrates how to use the Amibroker Plotshapes function to plot the buy and sell arrows for your trading system.

This Amibroker charting tutorial video a wide range of basic charting functions and formulas. The tutorial video starts from the basics including opening and formatting a basic price chart and adding indicators to your chart. A useful tip from the video is using the mouse scroll button to switch between stocks on your chart. This is a quick watch which will be helpful if you are brand new to Amibroker charting.

This short Amibroker charting tutorial video demonstrates how to use and customise the vertical selection line tool in on your Amibroker charts. This is a quick and easy way to inspect the values of the Open / High / Low / Close / Volume values on each price bar as well as the values of any indicators you have plotted on your chart. Quick and easy watch.

This amibroker charting tutorial video demonstrates how to create and save chart layouts. The video explains global layouts which allow you to create layouts which can be used across multiple databases. be457b7860

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