XRP Price Prediction & Future Of XRP In MarketCap?

What is XRP? Is XRP investment profitable? What is the future of xrp? Let's Start with the XRP ripple. Ripple company is known for RippleNet provides the fastest money transfer network. Their company is known as ripple labs. XRP is a trading coin of Ripple. Ripple has an XRP ledger that contains records of all the transactions. It is publicly visible to all XRP users. XRP is ranked as the sixth-largest cryptocurrency on basis of the highest market cap. People can invest in XRP because it has a profitable future waiting ahead. XRP price prediction for the future is given below:

In 2020, Ripple was expected to make good revenue but due to some legal issues, it fell very badly. The price of ripple xrp for 2020 was 0.78 USD. It was expected by an analyst that the price will reach 1 USD by the end of 2020 but that could not happen. The reason for XRP's sudden fall down was the SEC scandal which started in 2019 and is still in progress. But Ripple did their best to avoid any negative impact of the SEC scandal on Ripple's reputation and price value of xrp.

Future predictions of xrp are observed to be 50$. According to an analyst study, XRP will reach to 50$ in 2025 if the market remains in favor of ripple. In the crypt market interest has a very large impact on price value. Greater the interest of the market towards a particular coin greater will be the value. Ripple will sign various deals with European and American banks. This will help them in increasing their market. Ripple signed a deal with Tokyo Mitsubishi bank which is the 3rd largest bank in the world. This deal had proved a game-changer in Ripple XRP price predcition and future forecast success in a positive way.

The future of xrp crypto after the lawsuit seems to have a minor effect on XRP reputation. Ripple is a very strong company. They have faced many ups and down in history but never let those scandals affect their market value. Recently, the SEC (Security Exchange Commission) blamed Ripple for selling XRP for seven years as an unregistered platform. SEC claims that Ripple is an unregistered company which is performing the duty of exchange for the last seven years. But we have seen that Ripple didn't allow this point to affect their company reputation and stance in the market.