Fix 4. Reinstall or roll back the webcam or camera driver on Windows 10. You can press Windows + X and select Device Manager. Expand Imaging devices, Cameras or Sound, video and game controllers. Right-click your webcam and select Properties. Click Driver tab and select Uninstall device to remove the webcam driver on Windows 10. Restart your computer and it will automatically install the webcam driver. If you want to roll back the webcam driver to an old version, you can click Roll Back Driver to install the old version of the webcam driver.

I even flashed the original Install.wim to the Windows partition using DISM but at startup the two unknown devices still showed. I also tried installing the drivers using Double Driver and still no luck. Oh BTW, my Hi10 Pro was set up to boot only to Windows.

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Camera is integrated on laptops and All-in-One PCs, and you can use external USB camera on desktops. If you experience the following camera problems (picture is upside down, no image, camera not recognized, abnormal display, etc.), please refer to the following troubleshooting steps in order:

If the camera problem happens recently, and if you have ever created a restore point or there is an automatic system restore existed, try to restore the computer to a point before the problem began to resolve the problem. Here you can learn more about How to use restore point to restore the system. If the problem persists, please continue the next troubleshooting step.

UWP device apps let device manufacturers apply custom settings and special effects on the camera's video stream with a camera driver MFT (media foundation transform). This topic introduces driver MFTs and uses the Driver MFT sample to show how to create one. To learn more about UWP device apps in general, see Meet UWP device apps.

This section describes the Media Foundation Transform (MFT) that you create to apply effects to the media capture stream coming from the camera. This is how you provide transforms for color effects, scheme modes, and face-tracking effects that really distinguish your camera from others. This MFT, known as the driver MFT, is first applied to the connected video stream coming from the camera driver when a UWP app begins video capture. When that app invokes the Camera options UI, Windows automatically provides access to any interfaces the driver MFT implements for controlling its custom effects.

A Driver MFT is not required for a UWP device app. A device manufacturer may choose to implement a UWP device app without a driver MFT, simply to provide a differentiated user interface containing branding for their hardware, without applying custom settings and special effects to the video stream.

The UWP device app for a camera runs in a different process than the Microsoft Store app that invokes it from the CameraCaptureUI API. For the Microsoft Store device app to control a driver MFT, a specific sequence of events across different process spaces must occur.

A driver MFT shouldn't be registered using the MFTRegister function because it is device specific and not a general purpose MFT. For info on the registry key, see the Installing and registering the driver MFT section later in this topic.

When an app initiates a video capture, a Media Foundation Source Reader is instantiated to provide the video stream. This media source reads a registry value from the device registry key. If the CLSID of the driver MFT's COM class is found in the registry value, the source reader instantiates the driver MFT and inserts it into the media pipeline.

Media Foundation's Source Reader, for apps processing media data. The driver MFT will be exposed to applications as the first (0th) MFT when calling IMFSourceReaderEx::GetTransformForStream. The category that will be returned is MFT_CATEGORY_VIDEO_EFFECT.

The driver MFT is instantiated per stream. For each stream the camera supports, an instance of the MFT is instantiated and connected to it. The driver MFT is expected to have a single input stream and a single output stream. The driver MFT may be either a synchronous MFT or an asynchronous MFT.

To enable two-way communication between the media source and the driver MFT, the pointer to source stream's attribute store is set on the input stream attribute store of the driver MFT as MFT_CONNECTED_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE. This occurs through a handshake process you enable by exposing MFT_ENUM_HARDWARE_URL_Attribute in the driver MFT, as in the following example:

In this example, the MFT_CONNECTED_STREAM_ATTRIBUTE in the driver MFT's attribute store is set to point to the device source stream's attribute store. See Hardware Handshake Sequence for further details on how communication between the camera and the MFT is set up.

The following code example shows how the driver MFT can get the pointer to the source transform from its input attribute store. The driver MFT can then use the source pointer to get device source info.

To put the driver MFT in passthrough mode, specify the same media type for the input and output stream. ProcessInput and ProcessOutput calls on the MFT will still be made. It is left up to your driver MFT implementation to determine whether or not any processing occurs in passthrough mode.

You'll need to include header files for the IInspectable and IMFTransform methods that the driver MFT must implement. For a list of header files to include, see stdafx.h in the SampleMFT0 directory of the UWP device app for camera sample.

A driver MFT that's intended for use from a camera's UWP device app must implement the methods of IInspectable so that the Microsoft Store device app can access a pointer to the driver MFT when launched. Your driver MFT should implement the methods of IInspectable as follows:

The following code example shows how the IInspectable methods are implemented in the sample driver MFT. This code can be found in the Mft0.cpp file, in the SampleMFT0 directory of the sample.

Each interface your driver MFT implements should implement and derive from IUnknown, in order to be correctly marshaled to the camera's UWP device app. The following is an example .idl file for a driver MFT that demonstrates this.

The driver MFT is an out-of-process server. To use it in a UWP device app, you must provide marshaling support in a proxy so that your driver MFT interface can be used across process boundaries. You can find an example of this in the Driver MFT sample. The sample uses the MIDL compiler to generate a stubless proxy.

To write a UWP device app in C# or JavaScript that interacts with a driver MFT, you need to create an additional component in the Microsoft Store device app's Microsoft Visual Studio project. This component is a wrapper that exposes the driver MFT interfaces in a Windows Runtime Component that is visible to the Microsoft Store device app.

The Wrapper subproject in the UWP device app for camera sample provides an example of how to expose your driver MFT to the Windows Runtime so that you can use it from a UWP device app implemented in C# or JavaScript. It is designed to work together with the Driver MFT sample. See the Driver MFT sample page for a step-by-step guide to installing, running, and testing the samples.

Your camera installer registers the driver MFT by calling regsvr32 on your driver MFT DLL, or by providing a driver manifest (.man) file for the DLL that the installer uses for registration.

Set the CameraPostProcessingPluginCLSID value in the registry key for your camera. Your INF file should specify the CLSID of the Driver MFT in the device class registry key for the device, by setting the CameraPostProcessingPluginCLSID value to the CLSID GUID of the driver MFT class. The following is an example from an INF file entry that populates the registry keys for a camera:

This section contains information on steps required to identify your camera in device metadata and in the Windows registry. This metadata enables you to pair your UWP device app and identifies your app so that it can be downloaded seamlessly the first time the camera is connected.

After the first installation of the app, if the user downloads an updated version of the app, then the updates are automatically integrated into the camera capture experience. However, updates are not downloaded automatically. The user must download additional app updates from the Microsoft Store, because the app is automatically installed only on first connect. The main page of your UWP device app can provide notifications that updates are available and provide links to download updates.

Multiple camera models can declare the same UWP device app in their device metadata. If a system has more than one internally embedded camera, the cameras must share the same UWP device app. The app includes logic for determining which camera is in use and can show different UI for each camera in its More options experience. For more info about customizing that experience, see How to customize camera options.

UWP device apps for internal cameras are eligible for Automatic installation from the Microsoft Store, but it is recommended that they be pre-installed for the most seamless user experience. There are additional steps required to support internal cameras and associate a UWP device app with them. For more info, see Identifying the location of internal cameras. ff782bc1db

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