Best agency for Instagram verification service in USA

About Us:

As an artist-friendly company, c4n2 is committed to helping businesses and individuals utilize maximum relevant resources to build their brand. Think of us as creatives for creatives. We’ll enhance your cross-functional collaboration across relevant digital platforms and help you gain a larger audience.

Get in touch with our PR, social media, and digital marketing specialists in LA today!

Meaning of Instagram Verification

Verified Instagram accounts have a blue badge with a checkmark next to the profile name, as shown above. The badge appears in searches and when the account owner comments on a post. This badge recognizes the account as the official profile of the person or business.

Instagram Verification Agency helps prevent impersonation. This is why verified accounts are exclusive to celebrities, public figures, or global brands. Being verified means your company is a big deal because it’s important enough to be at risk of impersonation. The checkmark is also meant to help users quickly find their favorite brands on social media.

Benefits of Being Instagram Verified?

Higher Trustworthiness

Being verified on Instagram increases your brand’s credibility. Considering less than 1% of accounts are verified, having the blue badge and check by your profile name signifies your brand is both important and relevant.

Increased Brand Awareness

Instagram verification can also increase brand awareness and your follower count. This is because verified profiles appear toward the top of the search and suggested accounts. It’s also believed the algorithm favors content by verified accounts, resulting in higher engagement per post.

Our Mission

We strive to help brands adopt and implement the best marketing strategies that would drive their business’s growth agenda. We offer strategic public relations and social media tools to fuel business growth, social currency, and authority.

Who We Help

Any and all businesses that wish to promote their brand. We also work with solo artists, musicians, producers, and entrepreneurs.

Why Choose Us

Our company is based on one promise: being honest and upfront with our clients. If we cannot perform a particular task, we’ll let you know beforehand and provide a FULL refund on results we were unable to deliver. You can count on us!

Contact Us:

PHONE NUMBER - 424-303-1101