Detailing the methods of usability engineering, this book provides the tools needed to avoid usability surprises and improve product quality. Step-by-step information on which method to use at various stages during the development lifecycle are included, along with detailed information on how to run a usability test and the unique issues relating to international usability. This book emphasizes cost-effective methods that developers can implement immediately, and instructs readers about which methods to use when, throughout the development lifecycle. Also includes strategies to avoid the four most frequently listed reasons for delay in software projects, detailed information on how to run a usability test, and an extensive bibliography allowing readers to find additional information. (Published by Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco; ISBN 0-12-518406-9 slightly expanded paperback edition. Original hardcover edition published by AP Professional.)

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Usability Engineering Jakob Nielsen Pdf Free Download

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Called the world's leading expert on Web usability by US News and World Report, Jakob Nielsen today serves as user advocate and principal of the Nielsen Norman Group. In the course of a career in which he held influential positions at Sun Microsystems, Bellcore, and IBM's T.J. Watson Research Center, Nielsen founded the "discount usability engineering" movement for fast and cheap improvements of user interfaces and invented several usability methods, including heuristic evaluation. He holds 58 US patents, many of which focus on ways to make the Internet easier to use. He has written the Alertbox column on Web usability since 1995 and is the author of Designing Web Usability: The Practice of Simplicity and Usability Engineering, plus eight other books.

Usability engineers sometimes work to shape an interface such that it adheres to accepted operational definitions of user requirements documentation. For example, the International Organization for Standardization approved definitions (see e.g., ISO 9241 part 11) usability are held by some to be a context, efficiency, and satisfaction with which specific users should be able to perform tasks. Advocates of this approach engage in task analysis, then prototype interface design, and usability testing on those designs. On the basis of such tests, the technology is potentially redesigned if necessary.[2]

Usability, especially with the goal of Universal Usability, encompasses the standards and guidelines of design for accessibility. The aim of these guidelines is to facilitate the use of a software application for people with disabilities. Some guidelines for web accessibility are:

In usability engineering, it's important target and identify human errors when interacting with the product of interest because if a user is expected to engage with a product, interface, or service in some way, the very introduction of a human in that engagement increases the potential of encountering human error. Error should be reduced as much as possible in order to avoid frustration or injury. There are two main types of human errors which are categorized as slips and mistakes. Slips are a very common kind of error involving automatic behaviors (i.e. typos, hitting the wrong menu item). When we experience slips, we have the correct goal in mind, but execute the wrong action.Mistakes on the other hand involve conscious deliberation that result in the incorrect conclusion. When we experience mistakes, we have the wrong goal in mind and thereby execute the wrong action.[4]

Even though slips are the more common type of error, they are no less dangerous. A certain type of slip error, a mode error, can be especially dangerous if a user is executing a high-risk task. For instance, if a user is operating a vehicle and does not realize they are in the wrong mode (i.e. reverse), they might step on the gas intending to drive, but instead accelerate into a garage wall or another car. In order to avoid modal errors, designers often employ modeless states in which users do not have to choose a mode at all, or they must execute a continuous action while intending to execute a certain mode (i.e. pressing a key continuously in order to activate "lasso" mode in Photoshop).[4]

Usability engineers conduct usability evaluations of existing or proposed interfaces and their findings are fed back to the designer for use in design or redesign. Common usability evaluation methods include:

There are a variety of online resources that make the job of a usability engineer a little easier. It is important to remember that online tools are only a useful tool, and do not substitute for a complete usability engineering analysis. Some examples of these include:

This tool is produced by Mind Design Systems is available freely to federal government employees. According to the official company website this tool consists of two tightly-integrated applications. The first is the UTE Manager, which helps a tester set up test scenarios (tasks) as well as survey and demographic questions. The UTE Manager also compiles the test results and produces customized reports and summary data, which can be used as quantitative measures of usability observations and recommendations.

The second UTE application is the UTE Runner. The UTE Runner presents the test participants with the test scenarios (tasks) as well as any demographic and survey questions. In addition, the UTE Runner tracks the actions of the subject throughout the test including clicks, keystrokes, and scrolling.

Jakob Nielsen, Ph.D., is a User Advocate and principal of the Nielsen Norman Group which he co-founded with Dr. Donald A. Norman (former VP of research at Apple Computer). Dr. Nielsen established the "discount usability engineering" movement for fast and cheap improvements of user interfaces and has invented several usability methods, including heuristic evaluation. He holds 79 United States patents, mainly on ways of making the Internet easier to use.

Usability engineering is a professional discipline that focuses on improving the usability of interactive systems. It draws on theories from computer science and psychology to define problems that occur during the use of such a system. Usability engineering involves the testing of designs at various stages of the development process, with users or with usability experts.

Sketching is a distinctive form of drawing which designers use to propose, explore, refine and communicate ideas. As a UX designer, you too can use sketching as your first line of attack to crack a design problem.

Sketches are easy, fast, and cheap to create, iterate, and if needed, even discard without much effort. Unlike written or verbal communication, sketches sidestep rules of grammar and help clearly communicate ideas, all but eliminating misunderstandings. And the best part, they are a joy to create and document!

The design funnel below illustrates the iterative and exploratory nature of sketches during the ideation stage of the design process. As the right design comes clearer into focus (the narrowing shaded trapezium), the costs of the product development cycle (arrow) increase. Increased costs prevent you from fundamentally altering your design choices. Use sketches during the initial, ideation phases. Towards the later stages of the design process, apply usability engineering on more refined and costly prototypes that can simulate the expected functionality.

The design funnel illustrates the use of sketching to identify the right design, and the application of usability methods to refine the design. As investment increases (arrow), you lose the ability to make major changes to the design selected.

Use sketching in the early stages of the design funnel to explore multiple design directions at low cost. Refrain from developing low- or high-fidelity prototypes at this stage. Discard promising leads that, upon closer inspection, are unable to meet your problem requirements.

In the early stages of the design process, you should explore multiple design ideas simultaneously to identify the right design. Sketching out alternatives is the fastest and cheapest way to explore ideas.

Moreover, if you present only one design to users, they will provide a biased input. They will try to be polite and not offend you, even falsely praising your solution, instead of comparing different ideas and sharing genuine feedback.

At this stage, you should apply usability engineering iteratively to build, test and evaluate your selected design. Every usability cycle would thus ensure the design converges on the optimal solution without major changes.

Design and usability processes are complementary but not the same. Design explores a space of possibilities to identify the right design or solution to a problem from competing alternatives. Usability engineering sharpens the selected design, ensuring it satisfies all relevant usability criteria (i.e., getting the design right).

Sketches help you propose, explore, refine and communicate your design ideas. Not all drawings are sketches. As Mike Rohde emphasizes in the next video, your goal is to communicate ideas, not create art.

Your sketches and accompanying text must communicate your entire design rationale to you and your team. All the following elements play their part in explaining your sketches and the objects, actions and emotions they represent. 152ee80cbc

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