Check Visa Status Online

Learn How to Check Visa Status Online

Every applicant is interested in knowing the status of the US visa stamp in their passport, even if the visa officer indicated that it was authorized. The applicant must perform US travel docs passport tracking after the visa interview on their own or with the guidance of immigration service providers like Techfetch H1B. Below, let us examine how to check the US visa status online.

Step-by-step Instructions for Online US Visa Status Checks to Stamp Passports

The various steps to check visa status online are mentioned below:

Step 1

Visit the US Department of State Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website. DS-160 and DS-260 visa applications are made through CEAC, a division of the United States Department of State. The same can be used while filing the US visa application. Here is the link:

Step 2

Use the state government website to check the visa status. The applicant can start by clicking "Check the status of my visa application" based on the US visa they applied for, whether it is a non-immigrant visa or an immigrant visa. Relevant URLs to check status are also provided below.

Step 3

The applicant must enter the Case Number, Application ID and Location and click the "Submit" button.

  1. Location: Choose the location of the US visa interview from the dropdown menu.

  2. Application ID: The applicant's US visa appointment confirmation letter includes the application ID. It appears on the application or DS-160.

  3. Case Number: This is a number that the consulate will provide; it is often written on a receipt given to the applicant, mainly for 221g or administrative procedures. If this is not entered correctly with spaces, the applicant will receive a message: "Your search did not return any data". The visa officer would have written it.

  4. Captcha code: In order to avoid spam, the captcha code displayed on the screen must be entered.

Step 4

Check the status of the US visa: You will see the status of the US visa once everything has been entered accurately and without errors. There are several possible statuses, including Administrative Processing, Issued, and others. If it says issued, your visa has already been stamped to enter the United States.

An Overview of Administrative Processing of US Visas Status

If the applicant sees the Administrative Processing message, the checks are still being carried out, and the visa has not yet been issued. This is usually the case for the first few days after the US visa interview. It may take longer for this to progress and be issued if the applicant received a 221g administrative processing.

Users no longer see Administrative Processing Status. Instead, they now receive a new status indicating their request has been rejected. Here's how it appears. It's a system-wide modification to the wording presented, so don't be alarmed. If the consular officer informs the applicant that the application was rejected for the administrative process, then the case will remain rejected while it is in said process. Once this process is finished, the applicant will obtain another sentence.

An Elaborate Explanation of Visa Status Updates

The possibilities of visa status you will get after applying are:

Status Denied

In most situations, the denied status would be posted as soon as the interview ended. It will show up much later in some circumstances, like H1B, where they often offer administrative processing before, for example, rejecting or denying the visa.

Status Issued

If the status is issued, the visa sealing is almost complete, and the applicant is in the final steps. Within a week to 10 days, they will receive it.

Status Refused

The status "Rejected" on the CEAC website says the visa application was rejected or refused. It indicates that the applicant could not convince the consular officer that they were qualified to receive a visa. The visa can be rejected for various reasons, sometimes including those listed in 214b. In some situations, the denied status would be posted as soon as the interview ended.

Status Verification Error

"Your search returned no data". Sometimes if the applicant tries to check the status of a US visa on the CEAC website, they may end up with this error message. This indicates that the applicant has entered the information incorrectly.

Status Error - Invalid Case Number or Request ID

The above error pops when the applicant has chosen the wrong location or entered the application identification number incorrectly.

Final Words

As there are a lot of possibilities in getting a visa status update, you can try US travel docs passport tracking with the help of Techfetch H1B to know the position at the earliest.