In monetary economics, fiat money is an intrinsically valueless object or record that is accepted widely as a means of payement.
Data is a collection of discrete values that convey information, describing quantity, quality, fact, statistics, other basic units of meaning, or simply sequences of symbols that may be further interpreted.
Data-valuation of money aims to becomes an economic practice that returns a mixed utility of the classic practices of consumption, savings and investment.
Requesting the US Administration and in particular, The US Fed, the individual legitimity reconnaissance to praticate of the money data-valuation.
Because US dollar data-valuation gives folks liberty to operate it as digital objects to process all four parts of money body, upgrading personal economic performances, resolving the economic limitation expressed on Penrose triangle :
Money you spend for live, money that you can't save and money you neither can invest ;
Money you save for safety, money that you can't invest and money you neither can spend ;
Money you invest for reproduction, money that you can't spend and money you neither can save.
This limitation has not only a bad consequence economic performances, the worst is the regret for a bad choice and the development of feelings of guilt, often leading to introspective shyness and even chronic psychological illness.
Now on Internet Era evolution, the US Legislators should frame the personal right to shift the US dollar asset into personalized digital savings activated with internet dynamics. Hugging the design of Fed's US CBDC or US digital dollar, even one UUS$$ prepared for universocial digital dollar on world markets. Money on folks hands with all four processables utilyties parts (monetary, financial, taxmatic and spiritual) all both working in Internet for people wellbeing now empowered by Do-G-Phone money inductor giving people the ability to upgrade the Classic Economy adding a fourth gesture making the data-valuation of the US fiat dollar and creating the UUS$$ universocial digital dollar as solution root for the recherched CBDC.
That because the CBDC' philosophy includes the continuity of US debt outstanding liability and couln't be a strong solution for USA neitheir for the World Economy.
Between the digital dollar of the United States as we recommend it with a design based on the personal creation of the digital dollar covered by the conversion of personalized savings incorporating time as a commodity with insertion at production date and as a data of dynamic valuation for shared results daily, and the ongoing or projected CBDCs the main differences lie in the nominative use with fused time of action and in the US$ fiat coverage in advance of the dynamic digital creation of each 1 of UUS$$.
Because the digital dynamic savings, registered objects "Owndated Webquantums" (fiat US$ 10.- = 1 O.W. = 1 UUS$$), are reversible, #cashkeeping, #webcashmatic, #webtaxmatic and cloud processable for owners extraction of all 4 utilities of their money covering with their satisfied preference all their needs and wants and solving the US debt.