Ursula Mello



Insper - Institute of Education and Research 

300 Quatá Street, Vila Olímpia - São Paulo - SP

04546-042 – Brazil

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I am an applied economist interested in Education, Labor and Public Policy.

I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Insper - Institute of Education and Research, and a Research Affiliate at the IAE-CSIC and IZA

In my research, I use applied microeconometrics methods to investigate key issues for Education and Labor Market policies. In the area of Education, my recent work is concentrated on the impact of large reforms in the admission process to higher education. In particular, I study how the expansion of affirmative action quotas and the introduction of a centralized admission system, in the context of Brazil, affected the composition of the student body, individuals' incentives and choices. In the topic of Labor, my work is focused on intergenerational mobility and labor market adjustments to economic shocks. 

Outside my paid working time, I love spending time with my loved ones, practicing sports and studying Logosophy