Risks Associated with a Prostate Biopsy:

Prostate biopsy is a routine and well established procedure.  However, like any other procedures, it is associated with some risks. These risks include:

Side effects from local anesthetics

Risks associated with nitrous gas, if applicable (it is not used in most patients).

Risks associated with procedural sedation, if applicable (it is not used in most patient).

Rectal bleeding: 30%. Intervention to manage rectal bleeding: 2.5%

Blood in your urine: 50%.  Intervention to manage blood in the urine: <1%

Blood in your semen: 50%.  In 30% of cases it might take >4 weeks.

Difficulty urinating: 6-25%. It might take for about a month.

Urinary retention: 0.2 –2.6%

Erectile dysfunction: <1%. It might take for about a month.

Infection: 5-7%

Sepsis needing hospitalization: 1-3%