not to get all "gosh golly back in the good old days" but it BAFFLES me that studios were just earnestly making a movie about a man who takes over his doppelganger's small European kingdom because he's fallen in love with the princess within two hours of meeting her. they definitely do not make them like they used to, and that is BOTH a compliment to the prisoner of zenda and an insult

Lehen esan bezala 1952ko bertsio honek 1937an filmatu zen lanaren egokitzapen bera jarraitu zuen. Orduan ekoizlea David O. Selznick izan zen, John Cromwell zuzendaria eta bikote antzezle nagusia Ronald Colmanek etaMadeleine Carrollek osatu zuten. Aldaketa gutxi izan ziren Noel Langleyk elkarrizketetan sartu zituenak. Horretaz gain, 1937an zein 1952an Alfred Newmanen musika bera erabili zen pasarte askotan. Eta film biak ondo aztertuta nabaria da kamarak ematen dituen planoak, batean zein bestean, estilo berekoak direla.

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Zuzendari Richard Thorpek eta ekoizle Pandro S. Bermanek urte berean Ivanhoe filmean ere elkarrekin egin zuten lan. Gerora ere biak ala biak honakoetan arituko ziren: All the Brothers Were Valiant (1953), Knights of the Round Table (1953), The Adventures of Quentin Durward (1955) eta Jailhouse Rock (1957).

In a 1901 Courier article, Cather says he "might have done what he pleased with us eight years ago and made us all for a space prisoners of Zenda, has since done nothing much above the clever dilettante ...," be457b7860


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