Frozen Pies

At only $12, our pies are the perfect addition to any party!

Rockin' reese

Graham crust with a guilty fudge layer, homemade peanut butter sauce, country vanilla and peanut butter frozen yogurt. Mixed with crushed peanut butter cups, and topped with whip cream, mini peanut butter cups, chocolate and peanut butter drizzle.

Oreo blast

Graham crust with a gooey fudge layer, cookies & cream mixed with vanilla frozen yogurt, crushed Oreo mixed throughout, and topped with whip cream, chocolate drizzle, and finished with crushed Oreos.

Birthday cake surprise

Graham crust with a gooey fudge layer, our swirler's favorite cake batter frozen yogurt, mixed with rainbow sprinkles and topped with whip cream, chocolate drizzle, and rainbow sprinkles.