Future Mobilities workshop

Current and Near Future Mobilities in India in the Age of AI

Co-creation workshop on the potential role of Autonomous Vehicles in Bangalore

February 20, 2021 (online) POSTPONED


Dr. Aale Luusua, Dr. Sumita Sharma (INTERACT Research Group, University of Oulu),

Dr. Johanna Ylipulli (Aalto University), Prof. Grace Eden (IIIT Delhi)

In this 2–3 hour workshop, we will discuss current and near future mobilities in the age of artificial intelligence (AI). We will discuss current practices, how they intertwine with contemporary technologies, and what role could autonomous vehicles (AV) play in the near future. In order to contextualize our creative conversation, we will focus on the city of Bangalore, India.

We welcome participants with an interest towards these topics who preferably have experience of living in the city of Bangalore.