Why Does My Dog Licking his Paws Everyday?

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Why Does My Dog Licking his Paws Everyday?

Dogs lick their paws as a part of self-grooming. You may notice him licking his paws after meals, while settling down for a nap, or after coming in from outdoors. If your dog is always licking his paws, it is a clear indication that there is something wrong with it, could be having an allergy to pollen, food, grass or cleansing solutions. The itchy paws could also be caused by fleas, mites, scrapes, cuts, dry skin or a foreign object stuck in the paw. bit.ly/3iKI4Wt

Secondary Infections

It’s important to recognize that licking behavior can be indicative of a health problem or may become harmful to the dog. You should work with your veterinarian to determine the cause and find an appropriate solution. Don’t wait too long to do this, because the moisture of constant foot licking can cause a secondary bacterial or yeast infection – causing even more itching, redness, swelling, and licking.

Meanwhile, depending on the underlying cause of the problem, the veterinarian may relieve your dog’s itching by prescribing topical anti-itch sprays, steroids to reduce inflammation, antibiotics for a bacterial infection, or antifungals for yeast infections. The sooner you can address the problem and remove it the cause, the better. bit.ly/3iKI4Wt