Tree Earrings Bird Feeders

Red Nectar Ring- SOLD OUT

Yellow Nectar Ring - $59.00

Orange Nectar Ring - $59.00

Red Cuff - SOLD OUT

Yellow Cuff - $32.00

Green Cuff - SOLD OUT

Gold Cuff - SOLD OUT

Olive Frill Nest - $38.00

Red Frill Nest - SOLD OUT

Orange Frill Nest - SOLD OUT

Teal Frill Nest - $38.00

Teal Large Perch Pendant - $55.00

Cream Double Drop - SOLD OUT

Gold Double Drop - SOLD OUT

Red Double Drop - $41.00

Orange Salver - $62.00

Tree Earring Bird Feeders are hand crafted artworks made in New Zealand. These practical , graceful and light hearted bird feeders are beautiful artworks for any setting, from urban courtyards and terraces to large country gardens.

New Zealand birds love feeding from the tree earrings. You simply fill the feeders with fruit, nectar or fat balls and the birds will come back again and again.

Tree earrings are individually hand crafted from sustainable and recyclable materials. They can be hung anywhere from tree branches to balconies.