

Diversity of Input Use and R&D Outsourcing, Revise and Resubmit (Journal of Economics and Management Strategy), 2022.

Automation, Productivity and Innovation in Information Technology, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 2022, 1-27.

The Origins of the Tools Suppliers in the Semiconductor Industry, Business History, 2020, 1-24.

Drivers of Cost Reduction in Solar Photovoltaics, Energy Economics (50), 2015, pp 286-293.

Nanomanufacturing : Application of Nanotechnology in Manufacturing Industries (with Maseeh Mukhtar), Nanotechnology Law and Business, 2015, Vol 12, No. 1.

Competition among Solar Contractors in California, Proceedings of the 2014 Fall Symposium Series of Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, 2014. Arlington, VA. AAAI Press.

Input Price and Industry Concentration in a Cournot Oligopoly, Economics Bulletin, 2014, Vol. 34, No.3, pp.1704-1713.

A Model of Technological Progress in Microprocessor Industry, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 61, No. 5 (December 2013), 877-912.

A Model of Competition in the Solar Panel Industry (with Jamison McLaughhlin), Energy Economics, Vol. 40, November 2013, 32-39.

Other Publications

Comment : Productivity and Potential Output Before, During and After the Great Recession”, (with Samuel Kortum), National Bureau of Economic Research Macroeconomics Annual, 2014, vol. 29.

The Value of Microprocessor Designs (with Ana Aizcorbe and Samuel Kortum), Communications of the ACM, February 2013, vol 56, issue 2, 31-32.

Technological Progress in the Microprocessor Industry, Survey of Current Business, February 2011, 13-15.

The U.S. Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium – Lessons from the Semiconductor Industry ( with Nicholas Querques and Pradeep Haldar), InterPV, Jan 2011.

Vertical Specialization and the Role of Consortia in the Solar Photovoltaic Industry, (with Pradeep Haldar), Future Photovoltaics, 2012, vol 8.

Investment in Transmission for Wind Farm Interconnection, (with Evsen Turkay and Pradeep Haldar), Industry Studies Association Conference, Pittsburgh, 2011.

Working Papers

Technical Reports

New York Solar Roadmap 2.0 (with Pradeep Haldar and Richard Perez), Solar Initiative of New York, 2012.

A Quantitative Analysis of Energy Consumption in Semiconductor Fabs, Report submitted to International SEMATECH Manufacturing Initiative (ISMI), 2012.

Northeast Photovoltaics Roundtable Outcome Report, (with Nicholas Querques), Report submitted to Photovoltaic Manufacturing Consortium (PVMC), 2013.

The Market for Grid Scale Energy Storage Systems, (with Pradeep Haldar, Manisha Rane-Fondacaro, Mark Lyons, Michael Pruchniewski, Rachael Frisch, Siddharth Gupta, Thamarai Devarajan), Report submitted to New York State Energy and Research Development Authority (NYSERDA), 2010.

The CNSE Model of Collaboration: Identifying and Measuring the Impact on Regional Economic Development (with Laura Schultz), Report submitted to CNSE Management, 2015.