Data Collection

DOTS and Water Tools Survey

Youth and educators will take this survey before any program or lesson that used the DOTS and Water tools.

Survey for Youth

Survey for Educators

Have Data?

Are you ready to submit your data? Click HERE for the online Data Collection Form.

After you finish the Data Collection Form, refresh this page and watch your point show up on the map below.

Are you in need of paper forms to fill out while collecting data in the field? Click below for the worksheet.

Data Collection Worksheet

Have a Scientific Story?

If you have photos, digital artifacts, or scientific story texts to share, click HERE for the online Scientific Story Form. Your story contents will be published as a scientific story which you'll be able to find in the slideshow below. Provide your contact information in the submission form if you want an Upham Woods research naturalist to contact you when your new scientific story has been uploaded to the site.

Are you in need of a Scientific Story template? Click below for the Scientific Story worksheet.

Scientific Story Worksheet

Wisconsin Water Stories Summit, August 2017 Data Blitz

The map & graphs above reference the data blitz conducted on August 2-4 of 2017 in the Upham Woods backchannel of the Wisconsin River. This analysis aims to observe the differences in water quality as the water moves through the backchannel. The data collection locations are ordered in the same direction as the flow of the river, starting with the Riverbend, moving along the main Upham campus shoreline to the Inlet, and ending around the corner with the area affectionately known as "Wacky Water Critters". The water at "Wacky Water Critters" is a mostly stagnant narrow cove that curves away from the main flow of the river, and, as illustrated by the data graphs, has the most unique water quality profile of these seven locations. This location has the highest level of Total Dissolved Solids (and therefore Conductivity), Dissolved Oxygen, and Salinity, in addition to being the most acidic water in this survey. One could attribute these noticeably higher levels to the fact that this cove lies between the river and the road, allowing it to receive more runoff, which likely contains sediment, road salt, and agricultural fertilizer. This theory is supported by the fact that the "Riverbend" location is also right next to the road, and is second to Wacky Water Critters in all of these categories except Dissolved Oxygen (no data was taken at the Riverbend for DO). Since the water at "Wacky Water Critters" is stagnant, however, a minimal amount of these runoff products are washed away into the river.

What other patterns in the data can you find?

Water Summit Slideshow

Wisconsin Water Stories Summit Photos (Aug 2-4, 2017)

Water Summit Stories

Water Monitoring Project Scientific Stories

Bad River June 20, 2017

Bad River DOTS 6/20/17

Wehr Training 6.16.17

Wehr DOTS Training 6/16/17