Leadership is an onerous responsibility for you are responsible not only for yourself but for so many other people who look up to you as their leader. So, when you nurture hope as a leader, you nurture dreams and create possibilities.

Even in the most hopeless of situations, something must be going right and something can be done to improve whatever it is that has gone wrong. It is no different with people. Even those you find are lagging behind in their performance, not displaying any initiative or interest in their work, could have some issues that you could address and get them back on track. Usually there are reasons that trigger problems and that make people behave in a negative manner. If you, as a leader, can pinpoint it you would be in a much better position to address it.

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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that everyone has the right to seek and enjoy asylum, without discrimination. This means that no matter who you are or where you are from, you have a right to seek and enjoy safety from war, violence and persecution. To find sanctuary and hope away from home.

However, not everyone seeking safety around the globe is currently able to find it. Far from being able to find the shelter so desperately needed, many men, women and children today face dangerous, life-threatening journeys and unacceptable harm. They find themselves pushed back towards danger, unwelcomed, vulnerable and left in limbo for years without hope or help.

Join our movement of solidarity to give hope to all those seeking safety across the world and UNHCR will deliver your urgent message to world leaders and decision makers at the Global Refugee Forum in December, a key moment where the international community will come together to pledge support for refugees and the countries and communities that host them.

This unique cloak was made from a mix of upcycled fabrics, symbolizing the second chances and new opportunities that people seeking safety need. The patchwork of different fabrics and colours represent the rich diversity in the world, whilst the threads that connect them together represent the connections between us and our ability to come together as a unified world to give hope to people forced to flee and to support the communities that host them.

But we know that far too many of our students, alumni, GEM community, and refugees around the world, face significant obstacles, including barriers to accessing education. For many refugees, the dream of pursuing their education seems impossible. Worldwide, nearly half of all refugee children are out of school, and just six percent of refugees have access to tertiary education. While this is an improvement from 2019 when just one percent had access, we are still a long way away from the UNHCR 15by30 higher education enrollment goal.

SNHU GEM is on a mission to change that. While access to basic needs like food, water, safety, and shelter is a critical first step, we cannot stop there if we are truly going to provide hope for and empower refugees. We must look beyond those baseline services to the bigger picture of how to support refugees so they can fulfill their potential, have a positive impact in their community, pursue their dreams, and hope.

Funded 100% by generous donors, it offers 50 private suites where out-of-town patients and their support persons can stay during their cancer treatment at no cost. For many, this home away from home relieves the stress of travel, financial strain and separation from loved ones during care.

You recently posted on Twitter an experience you had as a black faculty member in which only one of the five students in your class completed the final paper, and when they received bad grades in the class, the administration took the word of four white students over you, the instructor, and your syllabus. The tweet has received thousands of likes and some of the comments contain similar stories. How do you think your book might help or relate to other black academics and faculty members and their experiences? What do you hope readers will come away with?

U.S. stocks had a positive start to 2023 with hopes that cooling inflation and a potential recession may persuade the central bank to ease off the pace at which it is raising its policy interest rate.

It was then I started planning trips because I wanted the adventure. The opportunity to experience new cultures. The chance to live. Vacations were no longer an excuse to run away from the pain. But an opportunity to make new memories with my son.

Because no matter how great the vacation, when you stop running, you still come home to an empty house. You have to find the money to pay the bills. You have to survive the day to day life as a widow. And no amount of vacations can take away the ache, the pain. Only time and doing the grief work can do that. Running away only prolonged the inevitable.

But book banning harms students, and their education, the most. Young people rely on school libraries for accurate information and for stories that broaden their understanding, offer hope and community, and speak honestly to challenges they face. As libraries become battlegrounds, teens notice which books, and which identities, are under attack. Those who share identities with targeted authors or characters receive a powerful message of exclusion: These books don't belong, and neither do you.

The needs of all students matter, not just those whose lives and identities line up with what book banners think is acceptable. Young people have a right to the resources and stories that help them mature, learn and understand their world in all its diversity. They need more opportunities, not fewer, to experience deep imaginative engagement and the empathy it inspires. We've had enough "banner" years. I hope 2023 returns the focus to young people and their right to read.

Leaders of the board of Hope College have moved away from a plan to fire President John Knapp immediately. Board members are divided about whether to oust Knapp, sources aware of their discussions said, but those who want to do so have pulled back amid growing publicity about their move to get rid of a leader with strong backing from students, professors and alumni.

Via email, Myers -- who did not leak his letter to Inside Higher Ed and said he thought only board members had it -- confirmed its authenticity. He said that board members have not contacted him about it. "Trustees whom I know are good, well-meaning people, which leaves me hopeful that (as we say in these parts) grace may abound," he said.

I love the way the psalmists wrestle and fight and struggle to maintain their hope in God. This is a normal Christian experience while we are still just saved sinners. And we better own up to it, or else we may grow sluggish and negligent in our fight for hope. And that is very dangerous, as our text plainly teaches.

If I am put down, I look to the emotional reservoir of hope for the strength to return good for evil. Without hope, I have no power to absorb the wrong and walk in love, and I sink into self-pity or self-justification.

If I face a temptation to be dishonest, to steal, to lie, or to lust, I look to the emotional reservoir of hope for the strength to hold fast to the way of righteousness, and deny myself some brief, unsatisfying pleasure.

My prayer is that as we focus our attention on our Christian hope over the next sixteen weeks, God will fill your reservoir to overflowing, and that deep down in the Hoover Dam of your soul the great hydro-electric generators of joy and love and boldness and endurance will churn with new power for the glory of God.

All three of these uses are found in the Bible. But the most important feature of biblical hope is not present in any of these ordinary uses of the word hope. In fact, the distinctive meaning of hope in Scripture is almost the opposite of our ordinary usage.

Ordinarily, when we express hope, we are expressing uncertainty. But this is not the distinctive biblical meaning of hope. And the main thing I want to do this morning is show you from Scripture that biblical hope is not just a desire for something good in the future, but rather, biblical hope is a confident expectation and desire for something good in the future.

Though we speak thus, yet in your case, beloved, we feel sure of better things that belong to salvation. For God is not so unjust as to overlook your work and the love which you showed for his sake in serving the saints, as you still do. And we desire each one of you to show the same earnestness in realizing the full assurance of hope until the end, so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.

In fact, verse 12 implies that hope and faith are almost synonymous. Notice the connection: verse 11 says, go hard after full assurance of hope; verse 12 says the result of that pursuit of hope is that you will be like those who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Pursue hope so that you can be like men of faith.

But what about the relationship between full assurance of faith and full assurance of hope? Is there a difference? I would suggest that faith is the larger idea and hope is a necessary part of biblical faith. Hope is that part of faith that focuses on the future. In biblical terms, when faith is directed to the future, you can call it hope. But faith can focus on the past and the present too, so faith is the larger term. You can see this in Hebrews 11:1. This is the closest thing we have to a definition of faith in all the New Testament, I think.

One is that it helps us grasp the true nature of biblical hope. Most of us know that biblical faith is a strong confidence. Doubt is the enemy of biblical faith. But if hope is faith in the future tense, then we can see more clearly that hope, too, is a strong confidence and not just wishful thinking.

Therefore I pray that the main point of the message is plain from Hebrews and from Romans, namely, that the biblical concept of hope, which we are going to be examining for the next 16 weeks, is not the ordinary concept we use in everyday speech. It does not imply uncertainty or lack of assurance. Instead, biblical hope is a confident expectation and desire for something good in the future. There is moral certainty in it. e24fc04721

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