
Introducing The University of Saskatchewan
Women's Softball Booster Club
Membership, Sponsorship & Donation Program

The UofS Women's Softball Booster Club is a registered non-profit organization, made up of alumni, parents and fans, with an interest in supporting the UofS Softball Program. 

The UofS Women's Softball Booster Club is excited to announce a membership, sponsorship & donation program that provides families, students, alumni, fans and community businesses the opportunity to purchase a membership, sponsorship or provide a cash donation to support the UofS Softball Program. Funds raised go to the Booster Club which directly supports the UofS Women's Softball Team.

Why Purchase a Membership, Sponsorship or Provide a Donation?

A UofS Women's Softball Booster Club investment is an investment in the player’s lives and in their university experience as well as their future as a contributing member of society. Funds raised through the Booster Club go to team building activities, student bursaries, travel & accommodations, team meals, and equipment to keep the players and the program competitive. There are different membership & sponsorship levels or cash donations available with varying benefits depending on the level that a donor reaches.  Please see our Plans for details.

Here's How It Works:

All proceeds from the UofS Women's Softball Booster Club Membership, Sponsorship and Donations go to the Booster Club, which in turn, supports the UofS Women's Softball athletic program and events.

How Does The Booster Club Support UofS Softball Athletics?

The Booster Club supports UofS Softball athletics by raising funds and purchasing items that fall outside of the team budget, helping coaches and team with treasury support, fundraising and by organizing events.

Do I Have To Purchase A Membership To Help Out the Booster Club?

All families are encouraged to attend Booster Club meetings.  We need and welcome all volunteers!  Families are also encouraged to join as a member to support the work that we do, but it is NOT a requirement to be involved.  Those who want to support through a Sponsorship or a Donation are certainly welcome to do so.

View Our Ways to Give: