Step 5: Synthesis

Organize Information From Multiple Sources 

Use the Synthesis Checklist Handout or the Checklist Below:

Final Slide Presentation Requirements

Once you have completed your research, it's time to create a Google Slide or Power Point presentation. 

Minimum Requirements:

Slide 1: Title slide containing the "unsolved mystery", student name, and date.

Slides 2-3: Introductory slide: The mystery must be introduced with an explanation of why it is a mystery. 

Slides 4-6: Supporting theories, details about mystery, etc

Slides 7-8: Evidence (photos, news reports, witnesses, interviews)

Slides 9-10: Any opposing theory or explanation that has been provided to "solve the mystery"

Slides 11-12: Conclusion - including the student's belief based on the researched information

Images:  A minimum of 3-5 relevant images 

Required Handouts:

Step One:  Task Definition Planning Sheets

Credits /Works Cited Handout (A Minimum of 3 Sources Should Be Used)

Minimum of One Digital Note-Taking Card (To Show Evidence of Planning, Summarizing, etc)

Research Self-Reflection Handout

The Next Step is Step 6: Evaluation