unreal (tourament) demo's

(Size: 141 MB)

Big Unreal demo from 1997, leaked in 1998. An entire beta Unreal version including UnrealED. With many working levels and some levels that are not working or not completed yet. It's really nice to see how some levels have been improved from this beta on and sad to see that some very good levels have been scrapped later. It also included levels of Return to NaPali, but at that time it was still one game. An interesting find is that there are some hub levels with access to more than one level. The monsters have different textures and there is also a "Dinosaurus bird" (Hawk) pawn. The controls are horrible, and you are advised to change them in the autoexec.mac file. When you want to see it in full glory you'll need to run Glide or the Glide wrapper. Overall can really recommend to try this baby out, especially when you are interested in the history of the game.

unreal patch 469 b

unreal 1995 techdemo:A unique piece of Unreal's history: A playable technology demo from 1995. The demo contains 5 never seen before maps with textures and music that did not make it into the final game. Thanks TheEmperorStalwartUK for sending me the file! 

Unreal 1998 mapfix.

Unreal s3tc demo mappack.:Unique demo made by S3 to showcase the possibilities of high-resolution S3TC textures in Unreal.Note: This demo requires the OldUnreal Multimedia Patch (OMP) with OpenGL be installed and S3TC activated. You'll also need a 3D graphics card that supports S3TC. (All Radeons, GeForces, Savages and Parhelia's do)

some pictures about the s3tc files of unreal (tournament).