Help Center


I accidentally deleted a note. Can I recover it?

Yes, all deleted notes will go into your Trash. To see all your trashed notes click the Browse tab and click Trash. In next screen you will see all of your trashed notes. You can restore them or permanently delete them. Note :- Permanently deleted notes cannot be recovered so have to think before permanently deleting any note and also trashed notes will not appear in search results.

How to upload my notes backup to Google Drive?

Go to Settings tab, click Google Drive and in the next screen you will be asked to sign in with your google account if you have not signed yet. Followed by that you will be asked to grant permission to access your drive. Note :- Enwrite values your privacy and does not collects any single info about you and your Google account. After succesfully signing in with Google and allowing access to drive, you will be taken to next screen where you can take backup of your whole notes along with datas likes photos, videos, audios, gifs and colors saved in color library.

How to sign out of Google Drive in Enwrite?

Go to Settings tab, click Google Drive and in the next screen , top right corner click the account icon and you will see all your info in slide up menu and there you can see sign out button.

Can i use mutliple Google accounts to backup my notes?

Yes, you can. Sign in with one google account and backup your notes and singout after finishing backup. Repeat the steps to backup notes to another google account. You cannot have multiple google accounts signed in at the same time, contact us if you really need that feature.

Facing errors while singing in with Google account or while backing up notes to the Drive

Contact us. We never let any of our users to face difficulities while using our app.