UNO Problem of the Week

What is Problem of the Week?

Problem of the Week (POW!) is a weekly math challenge hosted by University of Nebraska at Omaha. There are three difficulty tiers, named after the EPH classification for conic sections. The problems are posted below, so check weekly! Both UNO students and the general public are invited to submit solutions by clicking the links below. Earn stars and see your name shine on the leaderboard! 

In order of increasing difficulty, the tiers are:




Each tier has a problem (most weeks).

Rewards for Problem of the Week are determined by top-three scorers of each tier. For the top scorers for each tier, there is a special reward of a free book from the AMS Bookstore! There are additional prizes for all those who participate!

Reminder: Solutions are due Sundays at midnight!

(Submit solutions via the link below!)

Current Problems of the Week

Hyperbolic  Tier

Submission Form

Alternatively, if you are having issues turning in a solution, or want to turn in a physical submission, please email Jordan Sahs at

Questions or Technical Difficulties?

Contact Jordan Sahs at